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Similar words: brog · brag · brig · bró · bród
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bróg, f. (gs. -óige, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). Boot, shoe. ~ ard, boot. ~ íseal, shoe. ~ adhmaid, mhaide, clog. ~ úrleathair, pampootie. ~a cnaipí, buttoned shoes. ~a damhsa, dancing-shoes. ~a éadroma, light shoes. ~a gréasaí, hand-made boots. ~a iallacha, laced shoes, boots. ~a peile, football boots. ~a sneachta, snow-shoes. ~ spící, spiked shoes. ~a troma, tairní, heavy, hobnailed, boots. Thart an bhróg, (game) pass the slipper. Níl a fhios ag aon duine cá luíonn an bhróg ar an duine eile, one never knows what someone else’s troubles may be.
~ cóta, bróg, troscáin, material for a coat, shoes, furniture.
Soitheach, bosca, bróg, adhmaid, wooden vessel, box, shoe.
Tá sé trom ar na bróga, he is hard on shoes.
Ar bhonn mo bhróige, on the sole of my shoe.
~ a chur ar, faoi, bhróg, to resole a shoe.
Chuir sé ~ ar na bróga dom, he mended the shoes for me.
Tá na bróga ~ agam, dom, the shoes are (too) small for me.
~ bróige, stoca, sole of shoe, of stocking.
Bróga ~, leaking shoes.
~ bróige, shoe-buckle.
Bróga ~, tan shoes.
2. ~ ar éadach, ar bhróga, hard on clothes, shoes.
Éadach, bróga, a chaitheamh, to wear clothes, shoes.
Cnaipe, casóg, iallacha bróg, a cheangal, to fasten a button, a jacket, boot-laces.
Tá mo bhróga ó cheap is ó choisíocht, my shoes are worn beyond repair.
~ (bróige), quarter (of shoe).
Clabhstair de bhróga, ungainly boots.
~ bróige, tag on shoe.
~ bróige, tag of shoe.
Bróga cnaipí, button-boots.
Éadach, bróga, a choinneáil ar dhuine, to keep s.o. in clothes, in shoes.
Bróga a chóiriú, to mend shoes.
~ bróg, bóthar, boot-, road-, mending.
Tá ~ maith bróg aige, he gives good value in shoes.
~ banda, bróige, coise, fleisce, láimhe, taca, band-, shoe-, foot-, rim-, hand-, servo-, brake.
2. ~ bróige, heel-plate for boot.
Mo chuid éadaigh, bróg, my clothes, shoes.
Éadach, bróga, a chur ar dhuine, to put clothes, shoes, on s.o.
Boinn a chur ar bhróga, to put soles on shoes.
Más ~ do bhróg, if your shoe pinches.
Chomh ~ le bonn mo, do, bhróige, as blind as a bat; as stupid as an ass.
Bróga dá dhéanamh féin, shoes made by himself.
Bróga den ~ céanna, shoes of the same make or pattern.
An bhróg dheas, the right shoe.
Bróg, éadach, teach, bóthar, a dheisiú, to repair a shoe, clothes, a house, a road.
~ bróg, shoe repairing.
~ in éadach, i mbróga, waterproof quality in clothes, in shoes.
Bróga ~a, watertight shoes.
~ bróg, creaking of shoes.
~ bróg, creaking of shoes.
Tá na bróga seo ~ ar mo chosa, these shoes are pinching my feet.
Bain an ~ de do bhróga, take the mud off your boots; clean, smarten, yourself up.
~ bróg, blacking (for boots).
Bróg a fhairsingiú, to stretch a shoe.
Ní fhóireann na bróga dó, the shoes don’t fit him.
Níorbh fholáir dóibh bróga nua a fháil, they had to get new shoes.
Níl an dá bhróg ag ~áil le chéile, the two shoes do not match.
Do bhróga a ghlanadh, to clean one’s shoes.
~ bróg, shoe-black.
~ adhmaid, rothaí, bróg, cnámh, creaking of timber, of wheels, of shoes, of bones.
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