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bád, m. (gs. & npl. báid, gpl. ~).Boat. ~ fada, ship’s boat; pinnace. ~ farantóireachta, fartha, ferry-boat. ~ iascaigh, iascaireachta, fishing-boat. ~ iomartha, rámhaíochta, rowing-boat. ~ litreacha, poist, mail-boat. ~ patróil, patrol-boat. ~ seoil, sailing-boat. ~ saighne, seine-boat. ~ tarrthála, life-boat. ~ tobair, well-boat. Tá dhá thaobh ar an mbád, there are two sides to the story. F:An ~ bán, the emigrant ship. S.a. clinse. (Var:pl. ~aí)
Bhí an bád ag imeacht ar a h~ féin, the boat was drifting.
Bád ~, a seaworthy boat.
Tabhair a h~ don bhád, let the boat off the wind.
Bád a chur ar ~, to anchor a boat.
Mar nach bhfuil ~ bháid againn, because we have no boats, are without boats.
Ar dhéanamh báid, boat-shaped.
Ar an mbád, ar an traein, by boat, train.
Sheol an bád air, the boat sailed without him, he missed the boat.
Tá an bád ~te, the boat is afloat.
An siúl a bhaint den bhád, to reduce the speed of the boat.
~ tosaigh (báid), stempiece (of boat).
Bád a bhatáil, to pole a boat.
Bád ag ~, a boat tacking.
Bád, capall, a chur thar a ~, to overload a boat, overburden a horse.
~eadh an bád ar na carraigeacha, the boat was smashed against the rocks.
~eadh, bhuail, an bád ar charraig, the boat struck on a rock.
~eadh síos an bád, the boat was launched.
Bád ocht m~, eight-oared boat.
Bhí an bád ag imeacht as ~, the boat was going out of control.
~ báid, prow of boat.
Bád calaidh, ferry-boat.
Bád a chalcadh, to caulk a boat.
Ag ~adh lasta, báid, discharging a cargo, a boat.
Bád a cheangal, to secure a boat.
Cheanglaíomar isteach de bhád eile, we made fast to another boat.
~ báid, bows of boat.
Tá an bád ~ chuige, the boat is lying to.
Tá an bád ~ ancaire, the boat is at anchor.
Bád, canbhás, a chiorrú, to lower sails.
Rith cladaigh a thabhairt do bhád, to run a boat ashore.
Rinneadh cláir den bhád, the boat was smashed.
~ bháid, cockleshell boat.
Bád ~, clinker-built boat.
Bád ag imeacht le ~, a boat hugging the shore.
~ tithe, bád, scaball, blessing of houses, boats, scapulars.
~ báid, hull of boat.
Tá an bád i g~ acu, they share the boat.
I g~ a bháid féin, comparable to, like, his own boat.
~ báid, skeleton of boat.
Bhí an bád caite ina ~ ar an trá, the boat was cast as a hulk on the strand.
~ báid, foirgnimh, framework of boat, of building.
~ báid, frame, shell, of boat.
Tá na báid ag ~eadh a chéile, the boats are sailing close together, level with each other.
~ éadaigh, báid, clothes-, boat-, hook.
Bád a chur amach, to launch a boat.
Teach, bád, bóthar, canáil, a dhéanamh, to make a house, a boat, a road, a canal.
Tá an bád ag ~amh uisce, the boat is taking water.
Rud a bheith ar dhéanamh uibhe, báid; ~ uibhe, báid, a bheith ar rud, sth. to be egg-, boat-, shaped.
báid, loinge, stern of boat, of ship.
Bád a cheangal as a ~, to make fast a boat astern.
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