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béile, m. (gs. ~, pl. -lí). Meal. ~ maidine, meán lae, oíche, breakfast, luncheon, supper. ~ beag, refection. Ní fiú a bhéilí é , he is not worth his keep.
Aithneoidh tú agat an béile, an buille, sin, you will feel the benefit of that meal, the effect of that blow.
Fiche punt agus luach béile de bhabhta leis, twenty pounds and the price of a meal to boot.
Béile ~, excellent meal.
Is minic a mhaolaigh béile maith ~, all griefs are less with bread.
Chaith mé béile maith, féasta, I had a good meal, a feast.
Béile ~, delicious meal.
Béile ~, meagre repast.
Béile Chonáin, gargantuan meal.
Dóthain rí de bhéile, a meal fit for a king.
Béile ~, scanty meal,
Béile ~, scanty meal.
Trí bhéile sa lá, three meals a day.
Tá béile maith ~ againn, we have had a good meal.
An béile a léiriú, to finish off the meal.
Béile ~, substantial meal.
Béile, císte ~, heavy meal, cake.
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