dréim1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. vn. of dréim2. 2. Lit: Climb, ascent. 3. Striving (le, after); aspiration. ~ le cáilíocht, striving for distinction. 4. Contention. Bheith i n~ le duine (faoi rud), to be contending, vying, with s.o. (about sth.). 5. Expectation. Ní raibh ~ agam leis, I did not expect it. ~ in aisce, vain expectation. 6. Phil: Conation.
dréim2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~the). 1. Lit: Climb, ascend. ~ thar dún, to scale a fort. Ní féidir a dhréim ar a airde, it is too high to climb. 2. (With le) (a) Strive after, aspire to. Bheith ag ~ le rud a dhéanamh, to be endeavouring to do sth. Ag ~ le hardú céime, striving for promotion. Ag ~ le flaitheas Dé, aspiring to the kingdom of God. (b) Contend, vie, with; oppose. Dul ag ~ le duine, to set oneself up against s.o.; to try to emulate s.o. Bhí siad ag ~ le chéile faoin onóir, they were vying with each other for the honour. Rachadh an coileán sin ag ~ le broc, that pup would tackle a badger. (c) Expect. Bheith ag ~ le cabhair, le teacht duine, to be expecting help, the coming of s.o. Cá leis a mbeifeá ag ~? What would you expect?