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fána, f. (gs. ~, pl. ).1. Downward slope, declivity. (a)Tá ~ sa bhóthar, there is a dip in the road. Le ~ an chnoic, down the slope of the hill. Rith, titim, le ~, to run, fall, down an incline, downwards. Dul le ~ na habhann, to go down river, be swept downstream. Le ~ ón ngaoth, down wind, away from the direction of the wind. Bhí ~ na páirce againn, we had the fall of the field. Aghaidh, ceann, le ~, inclined face; downward trend. Caitheamh le ~, downward pitch; shelving. Ceann le ~ a thabhairt do rud, to cant sth. (b)Fig:Dul, imeacht, le ~, to go on the downward path. Ag dul chun an diabhail le ~, rushing headlong to perdition. Tá an t-iomlán ag dul le ~ air, everything is slipping away from him. 2. Depression, hollow. In ard nó i bh~, high up or low down. 3. Droop. ~ i nduine, in ainmhí, droop in person, in animal. Tá sé le ~ ag an aois, he is bent over with age.
Rith bodaigh le fána, random course; the easy way out.
11. ~ le fána, downward slope.
Fána a chéimniú, to grade an incline.
Mala, fána, chrochta, steep incline, decline.
Chuir sé síos le fána é, he pushed it down the slope.
Níor imigh ach ~ orthu, only an odd person escaped from them.
Fear ~, casual, haphazard, worker.
Ag dul chun ~, becoming rare, disappearing.
Tá fána ghéar sa bhóthar, there is a sharp dip in the road.
2. Fána a ghéarú, to steepen a declivity.
Imeacht le fána, to go downhill; to fall down the slope; to take the downward path.
Tá fána leis, it slopes.
Fána ~, gentle declivity.
Fána ~, steep declivity.
~ cinn le fána, downhill, headlong, rush.
Ag teacht le fána an chnoic, coming down the slope of the hill.
Dul le fána, to go downhill.
Nuair a bhí ~ na fána linn, when we had the advantage of the downward slope.
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