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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: agaibh · agaigh · agarbh · asaibh · gaibh
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Seans gur foirm é Agaibh, de: ag »
agaibh : ag1.
Ní leathdhuine mise agaibh, you needn’t take me for a half-wit.
Is agaibh atá an saol, you have a great time.
Duine amháin, beirt, cuid, agaibh, one, two, some, of you.
Cé agaibh? Which of you?
Tá tinneas cinn orm agaibh, you give me a headache.
Níl ~ agaibh ach gur ghoid mé é, you are forever saying that I stole it.
Tá gach uile rud ar ~ boise agaibh anseo, you have all conveniences here.
Is ~ aird atá agaibh orm, you pay little attention to me.
Tá mé tógtha i m~ agaibh, you have set tongues wagging about me.
Tá mo cheann ina bholgán béice agaibh, you have me fuddled with your chatter.
Is réidh agaibh ~ a thabhairt orm, it is easy for you to judge me.
Sin a bhfuil de bhuíochas (agaibh) orm, that is all the thanks I get (from you).
An bhfuil dada ar ~ anocht agaibh? Have you anything on tonight?
againn, agaibh, acu) Cé againn is airde? Which of us is the taller?
Cé agaibh a dúirt é? Which of you said it?
Cé acu agaibh a dúirt é? Which of you said it?
Ní chreidim ~ agaibh, I don’t believe either of you.
Cá raibh an cheárta aréir agaibh? Where did you meet last night?
Tá mé i mbarr mo chéille agaibh, you have driven me to the point of distraction.
Tá ~ na siopaí, na farraige, agaibh san áit seo, you are close to the shops, to the sea, in this place.
Tá mé cóirithe anois agaibh, now you have told me all about myself.
Tá fear ~ agaibh orainn, you have a man more than we have.
Is réidh stiall de chraiceann duine eile agaibh, you have little regard for other people’s character.
eile agaibh, den teaghlach, others of you, of the family.
Tá ~ agaibh orm, you are poking fun at me.
An bhfuil aon chuimhneamh ar imeacht agaibh? Have you any thought of leaving?
Tá gleo ~ agaibh, you are making an infernal din.
An t-iomlán ~ agaibh, the whole darned lot of you.
Má tá ~ ite agaibh, if you have finished eating.
Duine ~ agaibh, one or another of you.
Is ~ mo shaol agaibh, you make life wearisome for me.
Tá an blár fada ~ agaibh, you have plenty of space out in the open.
Fágaim agaibh ~ é, I leave it to yourselves.
Cén ~ atá agaibh air? Why are you playing pranks on him, annoying him?
An t-~ díreach, dearg, agaibh, the whole blooming lot of you.
Bhuailfeadh sé ~ an chúigir agaibh, he could beat all five of you.
Caithfidh triúr agaibh an leoraí a ~úint, three of you must attend to the lorry.
Tá mo cheann ~ agaibh, you are giving me grey hairs, wearing me out.
Tá barraíocht ligin agaibh, you get too much of your own way.
Cúigear ~ s(h)eisear agaibh, five or six of you.
Ná bíodh sé ina ~ scannail agaibh, don’t make it an occasion of scandal.
Cad é an t-~ atá agaibh anseo? What’s amusing you all here?
Gach aon duine ~ agaibh, every single one of you.
Níor cháin mé duine agaibh ~ duine eile, I didn’t censure one of you rather than another.
An mhuintir ~ agaibhse, your people.
Is breá an ~ atá agaibh anseo, you have great light here.
Tá sé ~tha agaibh, you have driven him crazy.
Is breá an ~ atá agaibh anseo, you have a bright airy place here.
Nach mé an ~ Mhuire agaibh! I am to be pitied because of you!
Má tá gach uile rud ~ agaibh, if you have everything ready.
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