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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: anuair · nuar · uair · air · nadir
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Seans gur foirm é Nuair de: uair » · nuar »
nuair1, rel. conj. When. 1. At the time that, at whatever time, as soon as. ~ a chuaigh mé isteach, when I went in. ~ a bhíomar óg, when we were young. ~ a bheidh tú réidh leis, when you have finished with it. ~ is fearr iad, when they are at their best. ~ is mian leat é, whenever you wish. ~ a bhuaileadh an fonn é, whenever he felt inclined. ~ a shéidfidh sé an fheadóg, as soon as he blows the whistle. (Exclamatory) ~ a smaoiním air! When I think of it! 2. Considering that, since. ~ atá an cás mar sin, since that is the case. ~ atá sé faoi do lámh, when you have it handy. ~ nach raibh fáilte romham, seeing that I was not welcome. ~ nach bhfuil neart air, since it can’t be helped. 3. Notwithstanding that, although. ~ a bhí a fhios agat go maith go ngoillfeadh sé uirthi, when you knew very well it would hurt her feelings. ~ a dhéanfadh focal amháin cúis, when one word would suffice.
nuair2 : nuar.
Nuair a éirím, when I rise.
D’imigh sé go Meiriceá. A~ nuair a bhí sé tamall thall . . . . He went to America. And when he was there some time . . . .
Nuair nach raibh sé in ~ a chosanta, when he was not in a position to defend himself.
Nuair a bhí airgead aige níor ~ sé é, when he had money he did not appreciate it.
Nuair ab ~ dúinn imeacht, when it was time for us to go.
Nuair a tháinig a n-~, when their time came.
Nuair a tháinig an dlí nua ~, when the new law was introduced.
Nuair a tháinig an mhaidin, when morning came.
Níl maith sa seanchas nuair a bhíos an ~ déanta, it is no use crying over spilt milk.
Nuair a fuair mé an ~ liom, when I recovered my breath, my speech.
Nuair a bhí m’athair ~, when my father was alive.
Nuair a tháinig ~ dó, when he grew up.
Ní ~ a bhí tú imithe nuair a tháinig sé, you had only just left when he arrived.
Nuair a bhain mé an teach amach, when I got to the house.
Nuair a bhaineann sé amach ní féidir é a stopadh, when he gets going (talking) he cannot be stopped.
Bhain sé faoi san áit seo nuair a bhí sé tuirseach den siúl, he settled down in this place when he was tired of travelling.
Nuair a bhí sé ~, when he was alive.
Nuair a bhí an ~ déanta, when everybody had eaten.
Bhíog sé nuair a chuir mé mo lámh air, he gave a start when I put my hand on him.
Nuair a bhí an choirm i m~, when the revelling was at its height.
Nuair a théann ~ go hursain is mian leis dul go gabhal éadain, put a beggar on horseback and he will ride to the devil.
Bhonnaigh sé nuair a bhagair mé air, he took to his heels when I threatened him.
Nuair atá ~ ar d’aithreachas agat, while there is still time for you to repent.
Nuair a bhí mé i mo bhrín óg, when I was a gay bachelor.
Nuair a bhristear ar chruach, when a stack is opened.
Tháinig ~ air nuair a labhair mé leis, he sulked when I spoke to him.
Níl tú ~te nuair atá do shláinte agat, you are not too badly off while you have your health.
Nuair a thagann an chaill tagann an fhaill, misfortunes never come singly.
Nuair a bhí ~ imeachta aige, when he had a chance to leave.
Nuair a chonaic mé a chéaduair é, when I saw him at first.
Nuair a tháinig sé chun ~a, when he was old enough to fend for himself.
Nuair atá an tsláinte againn níl ~ orainn, while we have our health we are not too badly off.
Nuair a bhí an aimsir ~ta, when the time was completed.
Nuair ba chomhsholas fear le tor, when the shades of night were falling.
Nuair nach gcreideann sé i dtaibhsí, since he does not believe in ghosts.
Nuair a tháinig an ~ ar an tairne, when it came to the test.
Nuair a tháinig ~ air, when he was hard pressed.
Cuideoidh mé leat nuair a gheobhaidh mé greim ort, I will get even with you when I catch you.
Nuair a chuaigh an chúis go cnámh na huillinne, when it came to the crucial test.
Nuair a fuair siad ~ mo chinn leo, when they got my back turned.
Nuair a bhí a dhath (de) le fáil, when there was any (of it) to be had.
Nuair nach bhfuil a dhath eile le déanamh aige, since he has nothing else to do.
Nuair a tháinig mé anseo den chéad uair, when I came here for the first time.
Nuair a bhí sé ina dhea-bheatha, when the good man was alive; when he was alive and well.
Nuair a bhí ~ ráite aige, when he had finished speaking.
Nuair a fuair na fréamhacha trí dheoch den Aibreán, when three April showers had infused the roots.
Níor dhoicheallaigh sé nuair a tairgeadh an t-airgead dó, he did not show unwillingness to accept when offered the money.
Gheobhaidh tú do dhualgas nuair a bheidh an obair déanta agat, you will get your proper fee when you have finished the work.
Nuair nach raibh ~ linn, when we were not expected.
Deir sé nuair a chuaigh sé siar san uaimh gurbh ea a chonaic sé an t-iontas, he says it was when he went into the back of the cave that he saw the wonder.
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