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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: brinn · crinn · dinn · drinn · finn
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
rinn1, f. (gs. ~e, npl. reanna, gpl. reann). 1. Point, tip. ~ sleá, claímh, point of spear, of sword. ~ saighde, arrow-head. S.a. 6. ~ triantáin, vertex of triangle. ~ bachaille, tip of staff. Tá sé i ~ aon mhéire aige, he has it at his finger-tips. 2. Top, apex; culmination. Ó ~ go sáil, from head to heel. I ~ an choimheascair, at the height of the struggle. I ~ a oirircis, at the peak of his renown. 3. ~ (tíre), point of land, cape, promontory. Na reanna liatha, the grey headlands. 4. Pointed weapon; sharp-pointed instrument. Reanna agus faobhair, pointed and bladed weapons, spears and swords. Trí ~ agus fhaobhar, ‘by point and edge,’ by force of arms. Bás de ~, death by the sword. 5. Fig: Tá ~ ar an lá, the day is piercingly cold. Tháinig ~ ar a shúile liom, he looked daggers at me. 6. Bot: ~ roisc, eyebright. ~ dhearg, red-hot poker. ~ saighde, arrowhead. 7. Pros: Last word of verse-line. ~ agus airdrinn, stressed syllable at end of line rhyming with unstressed syllable of longer word at end of following line.
rinn2, m. (gs. & npl. reanna, gpl. reann). Star, planet. Na reanna neimhe, the heavenly, celestial, bodies.
rinn3 = rinne : déan2.
rinn4 = linn : le1.
Rinne siad ~ eatarthu féin, they made a mutual compact.
Rinne tú ~, it was quite an achievement for you.
Rinne sibh ~ fada aréir, you sat up late last night.
Níl ~ orm nach é, ná gurb é, a rinne é, I have no doubt that it was he who did it.
Rinne sé ~ é, he did it afterwards.
Rinne sé as a neart, as a stuaim, féin é, he did it by his own strength, ingenuity.
As aineolas a rinne sé é, he did it through ignorance.
Ní hé d’~ a rinne é, you are the very person who did it.
Rinne tú ~ séire de, you made a mess of it.
Rinne sé é le ~ baoise, sainte, he did it out of sheer folly, greed.
Nach cuma ~the cé a rinne é? It doesn’t matter in the least who did it.
Ní ~ duit nó is tú a rinne é, as sure as you are alive you did it.
Rinne tú obair mhaith, má tá, you did good work, however.
Rinne an deoch ~ dó, the drink cured him, made him feel better.
Rinne siad ~ den chreagán, they churned up the hard ground.
Rinne sé aon bholgam amháin de, he swallowed it at one gulp.
Rinne sé a bhotún, he made a mess of it.
Rinne na ba ~ den ghort, den choirce, the cows trampled the field, the oats.
Is ~ (mar) a rinne sé é, he acted foully, it was a mean thing for him to do.
Rinne sé ~ dá theaghlach, he gave precedence to junior member(s) of his family; he messed up his family.
Rinne sé ~, he kicked up a dust.
Rinne mé ~ ar do chuid, I made bold to take what belonged to you.
Rinne sé ~ báisín de féin ag ól, he drank himself dizzy.
Rinne an ghaoth ~ thoir, the wind settled in the east.
~ é mar rinne tú é? How did you do it?
Mar sin a rinne siad a g~ agus a gcumann le chéile, it was thus they pledged their friendship with each other.
Is minic a rinne bromach gioblach ~ cumasach, many a ragged colt made a noble horse.
Rinne mé an C~ ar an ól, I abstained from drink during Lent.
Cé a rinne é? Who did it?
Rinne sé (amach) as a cheann (féin) é, he did it out of his own head.
Rinne mise mar an g~, I did likewise.
Rinne tú ~ mhaith, you made a good purchase.
Ní cheapfá a rá gur mise a rinne é? You don’t mean to say that I did it?
Rinne tú droch-chearrbhachas, you played your hand badly.
Rinne tú an ~ leis, you did right by him.
Rinne sé an ~ eadrainn, he decided fairly between us.
Rinne sé a cheart oibre, he did his proper share of work.
Rinne tú i g~ é, you did it right; you did right.
3. Rinne an ghráinneog ~ di féin, the hedgehog curled itself into a ball.
Rinne sé ~ díom, he knocked me in a heap.
Ní as ~ a rinne sé é, he was not in his sober senses when he did it.
Na cineáltais a rinne siad orm, the kindnesses they showed me; the good things they offered me.
Rinne sé ~ fir, he played a man’s part.
Rinne sé ~eacha den doras, he shattered the door.
Rinne siad ~ den choirce, they trampled the oats.
Rinne sé ~ díom, he beat me into the ground, beat me hollow.
Chuir, chaith, rinne, sé ~, there was a shower.
Rinne mise an ~ céanna, I did the same thing.
Rinne an leanbh ~ liom, the child made strange with me, was afraid to come near me.
Rinne sé an chóir liom, he acted fairly towards me.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht