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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: sín · in · -in · sen · shin
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Seans gur foirm é Sin de: sean »
sin1, dem. pron. & a. & adv. That. 1. (a) Ith ~, eat that. Ná habair ~, don’t say that. An bhfuil ~ fíor? Is that true? Bíodh ~ agat, take that. Is leor ~, that’s enough. (b) (With copula understood) ~ mo scéal, that’s my story. ~ deireadh leis, that ends it. ~ a bhfuil le rá agam, that is all I have to say. ~ nó thit sé, or else he fell. ~ ~, that’s that. (c) (Followed by é, í, iad) ~ é an saol, such is life. ~ í an cailín agat! That’s the girl for you! ~ iad na Comaraigh, there are the Comeraghs. ~ (é) é, that is it. ~ agat é, that’s the way of it. (d) (With prep. or prep. phrase) Mar ~, like that, thus. Mar ~ de, in that case, therefore. Agus mar ~ de, and so on. Go dtí ~, up to that, until then. Ní raibh de ach ~, that’s all there was to it. Lit: Go ~, up to that point, until then. Iar ~, after that, thereupon. (e) (With 3 pers. poss. a. & noun) A mhac ~, that man’s son. Os a choinne ~, as against that. Lena dtaobh ~, as compared to those. (f) (With 3 sg. or pl. pers. pron.) Is é ~ an ceann is fearr, that is the best one. An í ~ d’iníon? Is that your daughter? Tá siad ~ déanach, those people are late. Cad é ~ duitse? What is that to you? Ní hé ~ dósan é, it is not so with him. (g) (With 3 pers. prep. pron.) Roimhe ~, before that. Faoi ~, by then. Leis ~, thereupon. Uaidh, as, ~ amach, from then on. (h) (With interr. prons. cé, cad, céard) Cé ~ chugainn? Who is that approaching us? Cad, céard, ~ atá sé a rá? What is that he is saying? (i) (With 3 pl. synthetic form of verb) Chuirfidís ~ olc ort, those people would incense you. (j) (Lenited in phrase ó shin) Fada ó shin, long ago. Bliain ó shin, a year ago. Riamh ó shin, ever since. 2. (a) (With article & noun) An fear ~, that man. An teach mór ~, that big house. An cnoc ~ os do chomhair, that hill in front of you. Ar an ábhar ~, for that reason. Ón lá ~ amach, from that day forth. An rud ~ nár shásaigh é, that thing that didn’t please him. (An) lá ~ na Binne Boirbe, on that (eventful) day of Benburb. (b) (With voc. case) A dhuine ~, my good fellow. (c) (Followed by pron. forms of ag) An áit ~ agamsa, that place of mine. An mac ~ agatsa, that son of yours. 3. (a) (With chomh and adj.) Chomh díreach ~, as straight as that. Ní raibh a fhios agam go raibh siad chomh daor ~, I didn’t know they were so dear. (b)~ amach iad, there they go out. ~ aníos an bóthar é, there he comes up the road. ~ mar a dúirt sé é, that is how he said it. (c) (In repetitive phrases) Tá sé fuar, tá (sé) ~, it is cold, so it is. Rachainn féin libh, rachainn ~, I would go with you myself, so I would.
sin-2, pref. (In terms denoting ancestral relationship) Great-. Sin-sin-, great-great-.
Sin a bhfuil ann, that is all that is there.
Sin le rá, that is to say; in other words.
Sin é a deir na húdair, that is what the authorities state.
~ é! ~ sin! Dúirt tú é! D’fhéadfá a rá! You’ve said it! You’re perfectly right!
A rá is de go ndéanfadh sé sin, to think he would do that.
Sin é a deirim, that’s what I mean.
Ní deir sin nach fear maith é, that does not mean that he is not a good man.
~ an dán sin dúinn, recite that poem for us.
Níl dada le rá leis ach an méid sin, there is nothing to be said to him, concerning him, but that.
Tá ~ maith san éadach sin, there is good stuff in that cloth.
Ar an ~ sin, for that reason.
Rud ar bith ~ sin, anything but that.
Bhí sé sásta ~ an leithscéal sin a ghabháil leis, he was satisfied when that excuse was offered to him.
~ is mar sin a tharla, but that is how it happened.
Cad é ~ na páirce sin? How far does that park extend?
Ag seo, sin, here is, there is.
Ag sin an scéal duit, there, that, is the story for you.
Sin agat é, there it is for you.
Níl aon mhaith le duine ar bith aige sin, he thinks nobody is any good.
D’fhan an méid sin agam, that amount remained in my possession.
An mac sin aige, that son of his.
Bhí an nós sin acu, they had that custom.
Sin é a bhí agat a dhéanamh, that is what you should have done.
Ná h~ an focal sin orm, don’t hold that statement against me.
Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness.
Tá ~ na mbóithre ar an áit sin, the roads lead to that place.
~ an fíor sin? Do you tell me that’s true?
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
Ní fhéadfainn, ~ mo dhícheall a dhéanamh, an chloch sin a thógáil, I could not lift that stone, even if I did my best.
Na háibhirseoirí óga sin, those young devils, rascals.
Ina ~ sin, along with that, besides.
Focal is aicearraí ná sin, a more succinct expression than that.
Go h~ ina dhiaidh sin, shortly afterwards.
Tá ~ orm, tá mé in ~, faoi sin, I am sorry about that.
Cad ab ~ leat á dhéanamh sin? What are you doing that for?
I rith, ar feadh, na haimsire sin, during all that time.
Is ionadh liom sin a bheith ina ~ ort, it is strange that you should be puzzled by that.
Tá an t-~ sin aige, air, he has that reputation.
Sin é a ~ riamh, that has always been his reputation.
Dá ~ sin, ~ sin (is uile), notwithstanding (all) that.
San ~ sin, in that direction.
Ó bhí an ~ sin ionam, since I was that high.
Gonadh ~ sin, and that is why.
Tá ~ cinn san fhear sin, that man is clever.
Sin é atá áirithe dó, so it is reckoned.
Ba é sin eagla na h~ dó, that was a very real fear with him.
~ aimsire ina dhiaidh sin, a certain time after that.
Tá an mhias sin in ~ a briste, that dish is sure to get broken.
Tá an t-airgead sin in ~ don chíos, that money has been set aside to pay the rent.
An fear sin go h~, that man in particular.
Admhaím mo locht, mo pheacaí, I acknowledge my fault, my sins.
~ ár bpeacaí, the enormity of our sins.
An bhfuil ~ ort as do pheacaí? Are you sorry for your sins?
~ a dhéanamh i bpeacaí, to do penance for sins.
~ an pheaca, the bondage of sin.
Aontú le peaca, to consent to sin.
Ár n-~ ó pheaca, our redemption from sin.
Más peaca a bheith ~ tá na mílte damanta, ‘if it’s a sin to be sallow thousands are damned’, beauty is only skin deep.
~ an pheaca, the penalty for sin.
~ i bpeaca, obstinacy in sin.
~ peaca, motive of sin.
Tú féin a chiontú, to accuse oneself, to confess (one’s sins).
Peacaí ~te, secret sins.
~ ghníomhach, mheanman, actual, contemplated, sin.
Peacaí, ainmhianta, na ~e, the sins, lusts, of the flesh.
Cranraithe i bpeaca, hardened in sin.
Peaca an chraois, the sin of gluttony.
~ a dhéanamh i do pheacaí, to make retribution for one’s sins.
Coir, peaca, a dhéanamh, to commit a crime, a sin.
~ peaca, commission of sin.
~ an pheaca, atonement for sin.
Peaca na ~e, sin of lust.
~ an éadóchais, an aineolais, an pheaca, the depths of despair, of ignorance, of sin.
Peaca an éadóchais, the sin of despair.
In ~ ár bpeacaí, in reparation for our sins.
~ a dhéanamh i bpeaca, to remain long in a state of sin.
~ a dhéanamh le sagart, to confess one’s sins to a priest.
1. An peaca a fhuathú, to abhor sin.
~eadh do chathú, do pheaca, to yield to temptation, to sin.
Go nglana Dia sinn ónár bpeacaí, may God cleanse us of our sins.
Peaca, grásta, gnímh, actual sin, grace.
~ an pheaca, the hatefulness of sin.
I bpeaca, in éadóchas, in sin, in despair.
Rinne sé aithreachas ina pheacaí, he repented of his sins.
~ an pheaca, the consequences of sin.
D’~ sé a pheacaí, he confessed his sins.
In ~ ár bpeacaí, in atonement for our sins.
D’~ Críost peacaí an domhain, Christ atoned for the sins of the world.
Peaca nó ~, sin or transgression.
Trí aon pheacadh le hÁdhamh, on account of one sin by Adam.
~ peaca, besetting sin.
~ a dhéanamh i gcoir, i bpeaca, to make atonement for an offence, for sin.
Peacaí, pionós, a ~adh, to remit sins, a penalty.
~ an pheaca, requital for sin.
~ peacaí, remission of sins.
~ na bpeacaí, the forgiveness of sins.
Faoi mhám an pheaca, under the yoke of sin.
Ar ~ in ól, i bpeaca, steeped in drink, in sin.
Peaca ~, mortal sin.
~ta i bpeaca, steeped in sin.
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