altóir, f. (gs. -óra, pl. ~í). 1. Altar. Dul chun na haltóra, to attend at the altar, to receive communion. Fógraíodh, tugadh amach, ón ~ é, (i) it was announced from the altar, (ii) he was proclaimed, denounced, from the altar. 2. Funeral offering. Bhí ~ mhór air, a large sum was taken up in offerings at his funeral. (Var: gs. altórach, pl. altóracha)
~ altóra, front of altar.
Rud a chraoladh ón altóir, to announce sth. from the altar.
2. ~ abhlann, altóra, ciborium.
Altóir a dheasú, to drape an altar.
~ altóra, front of altar.
~ na haltóra den eaglais, the altar end of the church.
~ tí, boird, altóra, house, table, altar, furnishings.
1. ~ Aifrinn, altóra, altar wine.
~ le haltóir, land given to church.
D’fhógair sé ón altóir é, he announced it from the altar.
Thug sé ~ ón altóir dóibh, he castigated them from the altar.
Rud a ~t (ar altóir), to sacrifice sth. (on an altar).
Altóir, tine, íobartha, sacrificial altar, fire.
An ~, ~ na haltóra, the blessed Sacrament.
Ráillí altóra, altar-rails.
Ag ~ ón altóir, preaching from the altar.
Lig ~ go bun na haltóra iad, let them go up to the base of the altar.
~ an tsoiscéil den altóir, the gospel side of the altar.
~ ag an altóir, up at the altar.
Ba é an t-athair a thionlaic an bhrídeog chun na haltóra, it was the father who gave away the bride.
Umhlú os comhair na haltóra, to genuflect in front of the altar.