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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: am · ama · amh · amp · amú
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Seans gur foirm é am, de: be »
am1, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~anna). Time. 1. Measured time. An t-~, the time (by clock, etc.). ~ na gréine, the time by the sun. ~ na réaltaí, sidereal time. An t-~ luath, nua, summer-time. An t-~ mall, old time. Tá an clog ar an ~, the clock shows the correct time. Níl an t-~ agam, I don’t know the time; I have no timepiece. Cén t-~ é? Cad é an t-~ atá sé? What time is it? 2. Point of time, occasion. An t-~ de lá, the time of day. An t-~ seo inné, this time yesterday. Faoin ~ seo, by this time. An t-~ a chonaic mé iad, the time I saw them. Cá h~ nó cá huair a tharla sin? When ever did that happen? 3. Usual, set, time. ~ lóin, lunch-time. ~ luí, bedtime. Bí in ~ ag do dhinnéar, be in time for your dinner. Nuair ab ~ dúinn imeacht, when it was time for us to go. Tá sé thar ~ agat, it is high time for you. 4. Due, proper, time. In ~ trátha, at the proper time. Gach uile rud ina ~ féin, everything in due course. Fan le d’~, wait your turn. I ndiaidh an ~a, after the event. Ní thiocfaidh sé in ~ ná in uair, he will be hopelessly late in coming. 5. Scheduled time. ~ oibre, working-time. Ag obair de réir an ~a, working to time. ~ scoir, time to knock off. Tá an t-~ istigh, time is up. Leabhar ~a, time-book. S.a. clár1 9. 6. Opportune, inopportune, time. Cabhair in ~, timely help. Seo d’~! Seo an t-~ agat! Now is your chance! Is é an t-~ agat é! Is é ~ duit é! What a time you choose! 7. Available time. Ag cur thart an ~a, passing the time. Glac, tóg, d’~ leis, take your time at it. Níl an t-~ agam lena dhéanamh, I haven’t the time to do it. 8. Season. An t-~ seo den bhliain, (at) this time of year. ~ na neadacha, nesting-time. In ~ agus in an-~, in and out of season. 9. Portion of time, period. An t-~ i láthair, the present time. San ~ atá le teacht, in the time to come. San ~ fadó, in olden times. In ~ an chogaidh, during the war. Is beag an t-~ ó bhí sí ina leanbh, it is only a short time since she was a child. Le h~, tríd ~, in course of time. 10. Time of life. In ~ a bhearrtha, when he was old enough to shave. Tá sé san ~ agat pósadh, it is time for you to get married. Tháinig an t-~ dóibh ciall a bheith acu, it is time they learned sense. 11. Span of life. Ár n-~ ar an saol seo, our span of life here on earth. I m’~sa, in my time, 12. Time of gestation. Tá ~ na bó istigh, the cow has gone her time. 13. Time of death. Nuair a tháinig a n-~, when their time came. 14. Person’s experience at particular time. Bhí ~ breá againn ann, we had a fine time there. Is againn a bhí an t-~! What a time we had! Thug siad ~ crua dó, they made things hard for him. 15. (General, adverbial, usages) An t-~, when. (In) ~ ar bith, at any time. In ~ go leor, time enough. Ó ~ go h~, from time to time. ~ eile, ~ éigin eile, another, some other, time. I rith, ar feadh, an ~a, all the time. San ~, ag an ~, céanna, at the same time. In aon ~, at one time; together. 16. Gram: Clásal ~a, temporal clause.
am2 = do mo : do3.
Ag am tae, at tea-time.
Tá sé in am aige pósadh, it is time for him to get married.
Ní aithním an t-am, I cannot make out the time.
Níl an ~ mhall maith; ní hé am na hola am na h~, late repentance is not good.
In ~, at the wrong time.
In am agus in ~, in and out of season.
Am an chuntais ar cheann an bháis, the accounting time before death.
Faoin am seo ~, by this time next year.
Ár m~ leis an am a bhí, God be with the good old days.
Ní bheannódh sé an t-am de lá duit, he wouldn’t bid you the time of day.
Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís, may we live to see this time next year.
Tá an t-am ann, the time has come.
In am an ghátair a bhraitear an chabhair, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Is fada ~ ó am scoir é, it is very far from being time to knock off.
~ an ama, na bliana, most of the time, of the year.
Is í an chabhair ina ham í, it is timely help.
~ é an t-am é? What time is it?
San am atá ~, in the past.
San am a ~eadh, in times gone by, in the past.
San am ~, at the same time, nevertheless.
~ ama, time-table.
Am an chloig, the time by the clock.
Tá sé in am agatsa a bheith ag déanamh cnaipí, (i) you had better run for it, hurry to your destination, (ii) you had better prepare yourself for trouble.
Ag ~ leis an am, leis an aimsir, working against time.
An t-am, na huaireanta, a choinneáil, to keep good time, regular hours.
~ ina ham féin, timely advice.
~ an ama seo aréir, at this very time last night.
~ an ama, standard-time belt.
Am ~, duple time.
I n~ an ama, na n-uaireanta, after the (due) time, after hours.
Am dinnéir, dinner-time.
An lá, an t-am, a dhiomailt, to waste the day, the time.
In am an díomhaointis, in times of idleness, of unemployment.
Teacht in am an doichill, to come when one is not wanted, at an unsuitable hour.
Am luí ~, late bedtime.
~ thart an ama, the passing of time.
Tá sé nádúrtha é a bheith fuar an t-am seo de bhliain, it is natural that it should be cold at this time of the year.
San ~, in am ~, at milking-time (following spell of morning grazing).
In am an éigin, in time of need.
Am éigin ~, some other time.
Tráth, am, éirithe, time to get up.
Níl an t-am i bh~ amuigh, the time is not far distant.
San am ~, in olden times.
Ní ham faltanais am géibhinn, there should be unity in face of danger.
~n am seo, by this time.
Tá go leor le déanamh agat i bh~ is a bheith ag cur do chuid ama amú, you have plenty to do besides wasting your time.
Ar ~ an ama, na haimsire, sin, during all that time.
Ní in am a bhraitear an ~, a traitor is seldom caught in time.
Ba chóir go mbeadh siad anseo ~, am ar bith ~, they ought to be here by now, at any time now.
Ina am ~, in his own time.
Ní tú atá mé a rá, I am not referring to you.
Tá orlach aige orm, he is an inch taller than I am.
Tá ~ orm, tá mé in ~, faoi sin, I am sorry about that.
Tá an obair seo ~ agam, I am unused to this work.
Tá ~ orm leis an obair seo, I am unused to this work.
Tá mé ~ ar na háiteanna, na daoine, seo, I am unfamiliar with these places, people.
An áit a bhfuil m’~, where I am known, have friends.
Tá mé ag cailleadh na h~, I am losing my memory for faces.
Is ~ dom, I know, am acquainted with.
Tá ~ orm ag éisteacht libh, I am deaf listening to you.
Is mé an t-aon duine ~ a chonaic é, I am the only person who saw him.
Tá mé ~ leat, leat ~, I am like yourself in that respect.
Ní h~ go bhfuil eagla orm, it is not that I am afraid.
Tá mé in ~, san ~, an bhfuil an ceart agat, I am doubtful whether you are right.
Tá mé in ~ go n-éireoidh leat, I am of the opinion that you will succeed.
Mura bhfuil dul ~ orm, unless I am mistaken.
Tá mé scilling ~ san áireamh, I am out a shilling in the computation.
Níl tarraingt m’anála ionam, I can hardly breathe; I am very weak.
Níl ~ ach mise, it is only me; I am the only one.
Tá mé in ~ chás leat, I am in like case with you.
Tá mé i m’~, I am by myself, alone.
Tá lúcháir orm gur éirigh leat, I am glad you succeeded.
Tá orlach, bliain, agat orm, you are an inch taller, a year older, than I am.
Ní leanbh ó ~ mé, I am not as simple as all that.
Tá ~ orm go bhfuil tú go maith, I am glad you are well.
Is é sin an scéal ~ liom, I am delighted to hear that.
Is deas an bhail atá anois orm! I am in a fine predicament now.
Tá mé i mo bhambairne (ag cos thinn, ó cailleadh an capall orm), I am in a predicament, frustrated (with a sore foot, since I lost my horse).
Tá ~ agam, is é mo bharúil, go, I am of opinion that.
Tá mé ~ go, I am of opinion that.
Tá mé ~tha eadraibh, I am squashed between you.
Níl ~ agam oraibh, ar bhur gcuid cainte, I am indifferent to you, I care not what you say.
Níl ~ agam, níl mo bheann, ar aon duine, I am a free agent; I care for no man.
Beannaím uaim é, (I wish him well but) I am glad to be rid of him.
Ná ~ leat go bhfuil fearg orm, don’t go off with the idea that I am angry.
Tá sé de bheith orm (a bheith deireanach i gcónaí), I am fated (to be late always).
Tá mé go measartha, I am middling.
Níl mé chomh hamaideach sin, I am not so foolish as that.
Is ~ liom a rá leat, I am sorry to have to say to you.
Tá mé ~ ag éisteacht libh, leis an scéal sin, I am tired listening to you, hearing that story.
Is orm atá an ~! What a drudge I am!
Níl mé ag brath ar aon duine, I am not dependent on anyone.
Tá ~ den tsláinte agam, I am in fairly good health.
Tá ~ aoise agam ort, I am older than you.
Níl ~ agam ar mo chuid oibre, I am unable to catch up with my work.
Tá mé ag cailleadh mo bhrí, I am losing my energy.
Ní maith liom do bhris, I sympathize with you on the death, I am sorry for your trouble.
Tá mo chosa ~ fúm, I am foot-weary (from standing, walking).
Tá mé ~ astu, I am proud of, delighted with, them.
Tá ~ (ó chroí) orm faoi sin, I am (deeply) sorry about that.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht