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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: anáir · anuair · aria · Arian · inar
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aniar, adv. & prep. & a. 1. From the west. An ghaoth ~, the west wind. ~ aduaidh, aneas, from the north-west, south-west. ~ ~ aduaidh, aneas, from west-north-west, west-south-west. ~ lámh aduaidh, aneas, from west by north, by south. ~ aduaidh lámh aduaidh, lámh ~, from north-west by north, by west. ~ aneas lámh aneas, lámh ~, from south-west by south, by west. An fear ~, the man (approaching) from the west. ~ as Connachta, from Connaught in the west. As an taobh, an aird, ~, from the western side, direction. Teacht ~ aduaidh ar dhuine, to take s.o. unawares. ~ aduaidh a tháinig an scéala, the news came from an unexpected quarter. Go dtaga thiar ~, never. 2. Forward (from backward or recumbent position). Tar ~ ó mo chúl, come out from behind me. Druid ~ chun na tine, come close in to the fire. Shuigh sé ~ sa leaba, he sat up in bed. Suigh ~ anseo, sit up here. ~ as cúlseomra, out of a back room. ~ as an uaimh, out of (the depths of) the cave. ~ as a scornach, from the back of his throat. ~ ó chianaois, from ancient times. Cuir do lámh ~ tharam, put your arm over me (from behind). Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders. Bhí scata ina dhiaidh ~, there was a crowd trailing after him. Tháinig sé ~ go maith le bliain, he has come on well during the past year. Thug sin an tsúil ~ aige, that enabled him to look forward with confidence. Chugam ~ tú! Bravo! S.a. siar 2 (a), (h), teacht1 3.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from north by east, by west.
Tháinig siad aniar ~ orm, they took me unawares.
As an ~ aniar, from the west.
~ lámh anoir, lámh aniar, from south by east, by west.
Tháinig siad ~ agus aniar orainn, they took us front and rear.
Chruinnigh siad ~ agus aniar, they assembled from all directions.
D’~ siad an t-oileán aniar, they sighted the island from the west.
Tá siad ag brú aniar orainn, they are pressing in on us from behind.
aniar) ar do shlinneáin é, throw it over your shoulders.
Chaolaigh sé aniar orm, he sidled up to me.
Chugam aniar thú! Bravo!
Bhí an ghaoth aniar aneas ag ~t an tsneachta, the south-west wind was thawing the snow.
Tháinig sé leis aniar óna chúlfhiacla, he put quite a sting into it.
Is fada siar an rud a chuirfeadh D~ aniar, nothing is impossible in the sight of God.
Bhí siad ina dhiaidh aniar, they were following close behind him.
Dhírigh sé aniar (sa chathaoir, sa leaba), he sat up straight (in the chair, in the bed).
~ aníos, aniar, anall, (liom), move up, forward, over, (towards me).
D’~ sé aniar sa chathaoir, sa leaba, he sat up in the chair, in the bed.
Tá sé ag éirí aniar as féin, he is beginning to sit up and take notice; he is beginning to fancy himself.
Níl ~ siar (nó aniar) orthu, nobody ever asks for them.
Bhí sí ag ~áil aniar, she was with child.
~ aniar, aniar aneas, west, south-west, wind.
Tá an ghaoth anoir is an fhearthainn aniar air, everything has gone awry with him.
Éadach a bhfuil teacht aniar ann, cloth that can take hard wear.
Ag ~adh siar agus aniar, bending backwards and forwards.
Cuirfidh siad an ~ (aniar) air, they will reduce him to beggary.
Ón aird aniar, from a westerly direction.
Tá ~ gaoithe aniar, there are great blasts of wind from the west.
Ag siúl ~ is aniar, walking back and forth.
Ná bí ~ is aniar leis; ná bíodh aon ~ ná aniar agat leis, don’t shilly-shally about it.
Is mó atá mé ~ ná aniar leis, I have lost more than I have gained by it.
Shuigh sé aniar sa leaba, he sat up in bed.
Tá an ghaoth ag teacht ón aird aniar, the wind is coming from a westerly direction.
~ aniar thar do ghuaillí é, pull it forward over your shoulders.
Do tharraingt aniar! Bravo!
~ aniar, recuperative power, stamina;
Tarraing aniar ~ do ghuaillí é, draw it forward over your shoulders.
Taobh ~ aniar, back to front.
~ aniar sa leaba é, lift him forward in the bed.
Thug sé ~ aniar sa chathaoir, he jerked himself forward in the chair.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht