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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é ann de: i »
ann1, adv. There. 1. (In existence) Tá Dia ~, God is. Tá an saol ~, the world exists. Tá lá maith ~, it is a good day. Tá an t-earrach ~, it is spring. Tá an uair ~, the time has come. Bhí fear ~ fadó, there was a man long ago. Dá mbeinn ~ an uair sin, had I lived then. Nuair a bhí m’athair ~, when my father was alive. Níl an t-airgead ~, the money is not there, available. Tá beirt againn ~, (i) there are two of us, (ii) we are both alike. Bhíomar seisear ~, we were six in number. Cad is grá ~? What is love? Is maith ~ é, it is good to have it. Nuair a tháinig ~ dó, when he grew up. Is ~ duit! So there you are! So you are still alive! Is tú atá ~! So it is you! How like you! Cé atá agam ~? Cé seo agam ~? Who is it? Who are you? Is tú is cóir a bheith ~! You are a lucky beggar! Níl siad ~ linn! They cannot compare to us! Níl sé uilig ~, he’s not quite all there. Tá sé ~ as, he is barely alive. Is cuma ~ nó as é, it doesn’t matter about it. Bhí mé ~ as leis, I was in two minds about it. Ná bí ~ as, don’t dither. Scoláire ~ as, a middling scholar. Rud a chur ~ do dhuine, to provide sth. for s.o., to do s.o. a turn. Níor chuir mé aon duine ~ ná as, I made no reference to anybody in particular. ~ as, El: On-off. 2. (Place) Ag dul ~, going there. Bhí mé ~, I was there, present. Chaith siad an lá ~, they spent the day there. Is ~ a chonaic mé é, it was there I saw him. 3. Níl ~ ach, it is only. Níl ~ ach mise, it is only me; I am the only one. Níl ~ ach sin, that is all there is to it. Níl ~ ach iad, (i) they are the only ones, (ii) they are inseparable. Níl ~ ach Seán acu, they consider nobody but Seán. Níl ~ agaibh ach gur ghoid mé é, you are forever saying that I stole it. Ní raibh ~ ach cé ab fhearr, they were all vying with one another. Níl ~ ach go bhfeicim é, I can barely see it. Níl ~ ach fanacht leis, there is nothing for it but to wait for him. Níl ~ ach a bheith ag iarraidh céille oraibh, you cannot be expected to have sense. Ní raibh ~ ach nár cailleadh iad, they were very nearly lost. (Ní raibh) ~ ach é! It was a near thing! S.a. i2.
ann2, s. (In phrase) In ~, able. In ~ rud a dhéanamh, able to do sth. In ~ aige, able for him, a match for him. In ~ ag an obair, able for, equal to, the work. In ~ a bhainte, fit for reaping.
Ba mhaith liom iad a bheith ann, I would like them to be there.
Chuaigh siad a dtriúr ann, they went there, all three of them.
Is ann ba mhaith léi a hadhlacadh, it was there she wished to be buried.
An gort a gcuirfidh sé an síol ann, the field in which he will sow the seed.
An teach a raibh sé ina chónaí ann, the house in which he lived.
Sin a bhfuil ann, that is all that is there.
4. Ní raibh an teacht ~ ann, he had not the strength to recover.
Tá ~ culaithe ann, there is (enough) material in it for a suit.
Tá ~ ann, he is treacherous.
Níl ann ~ greann, it is only in fun.
Níl ann ~ go bhfeicim iad, I can barely see them.
Ní raibh mise ann ~ chomh beag, I wasn’t there either.
Chuir sé ~ ann, he attached a condition to it.
Bhéarfadh ~ sneachta ann é, he needs no persuasion to go there.
Tá dúil na n-~ aige ann, he is passionately fond of it.
Tá ~ beag gaoithe ann, there is a little breath of wind.
Tá dúil agam ann, I desire it.
Tá ~ na farraige, na gaoithe, isteach ann, it is exposed to the sea, the wind.
Ná cuir aon ~ ann, raise no objections to it.
Tá mná ~ mná ann, there are women and (other kinds of) women.
Bhí sé ann ~ níor labhair sé, he was there but he did not speak.
Ní raibh a oiread ~ duine ann, there was not even one person there.
An mbeidh cluiche maith ann Dé Domhnaigh? Beidh agus é. Will the match on Sunday be good? It definitely will.
Tá an t-~ ann, he is a man of action.
Chuir an bia ~ ann, the food cheered him.
Níl oiread ~ ann, it is only a tiny amount; he is very tiny.
Tá sé ~ ann féin, he is stuck-up, he speaks to nobody.
Níl ann ach ~, (i) it is only a makeshift, (ii) he is a man in name only.
Cad é an ~ de bhlianta a chaith sé ann? How many years exactly did he spend there?
B’~ liom a bheith ann, I should like to be there.
Níl náire ná ~ ann duit, it is nothing for you to be ashamed of.
Is ann a d’fhág sé a chuid allais, he worked the best years of his life there.
Ní raibh sé in ann an scéal a chur in ~ a chéile, he was not able to tell the story coherently.
Bhí ~ breá againn ann, we had a fine time there.
Ar ~ a chuaigh sé ann, he went there on spec.
Bhí sé ~ leis féin i dtaobh dul ann, he regretted going there.
Tá an ~ ann, he is a trouble-maker.
Tá an ~ ann, he is still breathing.
Tá a h~ istigh ann, she is devoted to him.
Níl ann ach gur caitheadh an t-~ ann, one would hardly notice that he is alive.
Tá sé ar ~ ann, he is settled down, married, there.
Ná bíodh ~ ná anall ann, let there be no two ways about it.
Bhí ~ daoine ann, there was a great number of people there.
Ó ~ anois; ó bhí ~ ann, since last year.
Tá an A~ inniu ann; inniu an A~, today is Friday.
San ~ a bhfuil sé ann, ina bhfuil sé, at his age, time of life.
Níl mac an aoin ann, there is not a living soul there.
Dá mbeadh ~ mhaith duit ann, if it were any good to you.
An gort ar cuireadh an síol ann, the field in which the seed was sown.
Chuamar ár mbeirt ann, both of us went there.
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