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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: aeon · an · anon · aoin · aon-
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
aon1, m. (gs. & npl. aoin, gpl. ~). 1. Masonry: Breast, chimney-piece. 2. (Of boat) Front part of gunwale.
aon2. I. m. (gs. aoin, pl. ~ta). 1. Numeral: One. (a) (In counting) (Usually preceded by particle a. See a3) A h~, one. A h~ déag, eleven. Fiche a h~, a h~ is fiche, twenty-one. Céad agus a h~, one hundred and one. A h~ is a h~, one and one. A h~ a chlog, one o’clock. Uimhir, cuid, a h~, number, part, one. Séarlas a hA~, Charles the First. Íocfaidh siad a h~ is a dó as, they will pay dearly for it. Lit: ~ de laethibh, on a day, one day. (b) Dhá ~, two ones. (c)Scrios an t-~, delete the (figure) one. 2. One person or thing, unit. Gach ~, everyone, everybody. S.a. gach 1. Tá mé i m’~ in aghaidh beirte, I am one, alone, against two (persons). Níl acu anois ach ~ (amháin) dá gclann, there is only one of their children left to them now. Níl mac an aoin ann, there is not a living soul there. Gan ~ dár mbuaireamh, with no one to trouble us. Ar an gcéad ~, to begin with. ~ de chéad, one out of a hundred. Modh an aoin, the unitary method. Mar ~ le, in addition to. ~ le h~, one to one. Ar ~ = araon. S.a. bonn1 2. 3. (a) Ace. An t-~ muileata, the ace of diamonds. Faoi ~ de, within an ace of. In ~ a ráite, a dheánta, on the point of being said, done. (b)Quoits: ~ marbh, blank score. Tá sé ina ~ marbh eatarthu, neither of them has gained an advantage over the other. Bíodh an scéal ina ~ marbh, let the matter rest.
II. num. a. (Lenites b, c, f, g, m, p) 1. One, any, (with negative) not one, no. (a) (In counting) ~ mhac amháin, one son. ~ fhear déag, eleven men. ~ teach is fiche, twenty-one houses. ~ duine (amháin) clainne, one of a family. In ~ lá (amháin), in one day. ~ uair amháin, once; once upon a time. (b) (Indefinite) ~ duine, ~ neach, anyone. ~ ní, ~ rud, anything. Níl ~ ní air, there is nothing the matter with him. ~rud is mian leat, anything you wish. ~ rud beo, anything at all. In ~ áit, in ~ bhall, anywhere. Má tá ~ deoir bhainne agat, if you have a drop of milk. Níl ~ splanc chéille aige, he hasn’t a spark of sense, he has no sense. An bhfuil ~ ghreim aráin agat? Have you a bite of, any, bread? (c) (Intensifying with neg.) Ní rachaidh mise ar ~ fharraige inniu, I will not go to sea under any circumstances today. (d) (With abstract and collective nouns) Dá mbeadh ~ mhaith duit ann, if it were any good to you. Níl ~ olc iontu, there is no harm in them. Ní raibh ~ airgead agam, I had no money. (e) (With plural nouns used collectively) Ach nach raibh ~ airm acu, but that they had no arms, that they were unarmed. Mar nach bhfuil ~ bháid againn, because we have no boats, are without boats. (f) Níl ~ isteach, amach, acu, they can’t get in, out. (g) Lit: Lá n-~, one day. Feacht n-~, on one occasion. 2. One, same. Tá siad ar ~ dath, ar ~ airde, le chéile, they are both the same colour, height. Ar ~ aigne, intinn, of one mind, intention. Tá mé in ~ chás leat, I am in like case with you. Ar ~ fhocal, ar ~ tuairim, leat, in agreement with what you say, think. Ar ~ dul le, uniform with. D’~ ghuth, with one voice, unanimously. D’~ taobh, d’~ leith, on one side, united. 3. One, only. (a) (Usually with amháin)An t-~ iníon (amháin) atá acu, the only daughter they have. Is tú an t-~ duine (amháin) a labhair liom, you are the only person who spoke to me. An t-~ lá (amháin) a bhí mé saor, the only day on which I was free. S.a. amháin. (b) D’~ ghnó, d’~ turas, d’~ toisc, d’~ oghaim, of set purpose, deliberately.
aon-3, pref. One, uni-, mono-
A haon, a dó, a trí, one, two, three.
Uimhir trí chéad fiche a haon, number three hundred and twenty-one.
An bhfuil aon fhocal agat le rá liom? (i) Have you anything to say to me? (ii) Have you anything to say against me?
Níl aon duine anseo ~ mé féin, there is no one here except myself.
Níl aon ~ sa lá, the day is very short.
Níor shéid aon lá as an ~ ba mheasa ná é, there never was a stormier day.
Níl aon mhaith le duine ar bith aige sin, he thinks nobody is any good.
Má bhíonn (aon) ~ agat air, if you have time to spare for it.
Ní raibh aon ~ agam ar an leabhar a léamh, I hadn’t time, leisure, to read the book.
Ná cuir aon ~ ann, raise no objections to it.
Gan aon ~, undoubtedly.
Ceannaigh an drochrud ~ bí gan aon rud, if you buy a poor thing you will be left without anything.
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
D’aon ~, on purpose.
Ar aon ~, of one mind.
In aon ~ le, contemporary with.
Tá an bheirt acu ar aon ~, they are both the same height.
Níl aon ~ iontu, le baint astu, they are of no use.
An bhfuil aon phingin airgid agat? Have you any money?
Níl aon ~ agam air, I have no assurance of it.
Tá an bás d’~ ag gach aon duine, everybody is fated to die.
Ní haon ~ dom é, it is no use to me.
D’aon ~, d’~ aonair, with one voice.
Ní raibh m’~ ar aon duine riamh, nobody could regret it more than I do.
Gach aon rud ina ~ féin, everything in its proper place.
In aon ~, at one time; together.
Níl aon chur ~ agam air, I have no knowledge of it.
Níl aon ~ aige san anró, he is unconcerned about hardship.
Aon) lá ~ tháinig sé isteach anseo, one day, on a certain day, he came in here.
Chuaigh siad tharainn d’aon rúid ~, they passed us in one rush, rushing all together.
Chuaigh sé d’aon léim ~ isteach san abhainn, he took one jump, jumped suddenly, into the river.
An t-aon mhac ~ a bhí aige, the only son he had.
Is mé an t-aon duine ~ a chonaic é, I am the only person who saw him.
Is é an (t-aon) rud ~ é, it is the same thing.
Bhíomar ar aon scoil ~, we were at the same school.
Tá aon chosúlacht ~ uile orthu, they all look the same, alike.
(Aon) uair ~, once.
Bhí mé ag caint leis (aon) uair ~, I was speaking to him once, on one occasion.
(Aon) uair ~, formerly.
Bhí siad fairsing san áit seo (aon) uair ~, they were plentiful in this place formerly.
Ní fheicfidh tú aon ~ go deo orthu, you will never see them again.
Níl aon leigheas ~ is fearr ná é, there is no better remedy known.
Níor tharraing sé (aon) ~ slán ó loiteadh é, he never recovered his health from the time he got hurt.
Ní raibh aon ~ air, he was not badly treated.
Níor chuir mé aon duine ~ ná as, I made no reference to anybody in particular.
~ a thabhairt le rud, to consent to sth.
~ duine a fháil le rud, to obtain s.o.’s consent to sth.
In ~, in agreement.
D’aon ~, by general consent.
Is corp ~ an Eaglais, the Church is one body.
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