argóint, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í).1. vn. of argóin1. 2. Argument. (Var:gs. argóna)
Argóint a bhréagnú, to refute an argument.
Argóint ar bheagán ~, an argument of little substance.
Is air a bhunaigh sé an dán, an argóint, on that he based the poem, argument.
Comhrá, súgradh, argóint, a dhéanamh le duine, to converse, play, argue, with s.o.
Argóint dhlíthiúil, legal argument.
~ argóinte, the force of an argument.
~eadh d’argóint, to concede an argument.
Níl ~ fós ar an argóint, there is no falling off in the argument yet.
~ argóinte, weakness of argument.
Tá lúb ar ~ san argóint, there is a defect in the argument.
Argóint, imreas, a réiteach, to settle an argument, a dispute.
Ag iarraidh an argóint a sháirsingiú orm, trying to enforce the argument on me.
Argóint a shárú, to confute an argument.
~amh ar argóint, ar ráiteas, to stand by an argument, by a statement.
Argóint, achrann, ceist, a shocrú, to settle an argument, a dispute, a question.
Argóint a ~adh, to examine an argument minutely.
Rinne siad ~ spear den argóint, they ridiculed the argument.
Argóint atá ~ go maith, an argument that is well-grounded.
~ in argóint, weightiness in argument.
Is doiligh dul taobh ~ den argóint sin, it is hard to get around that argument.
Níl ~ an tsifín san argóint sin, that argument is of no consequence.