cúnamh, m. (gs. as s. -aimh, as vn. -nta). 1. vn. of cúnaigh. 2. Help. (a) ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to help s.o. Teacht chun cúnaimh ar dhuine, to come to s.o.’s assistance. Bí i g~ dúinn, be our aid. ~ airgid, financial help. ~ dífhostaíochta, teaghlaigh, unemployment, home assistance. Tá ~ fear aige, he has men helping him. Thug sé ~ an dá lámh dom, he helped me with both hands, most willingly. Is beag an rud nach ~, every little helps. Le ~ Dé, with God’s help, please God. D’ordaigh Dia ~; is maith le Dia (féin) ~, God helps those who help themselves. S.a. cinnire1. (b) Tá a chúnamh imithe uaidh, his family have left him. (c) ~ maith do mhála plúir, the greater part of a bag of flour. (d) Lucht cúnta, helpers. Múinteoir cúnta, assistant teacher. Lámh chúnta, helping hand. Áirse chúnta, relieving arch. Inneall cúnta, relief engine. Comhlacht cúnta, subsidiary company. Gram: Briathar cúnta, auxiliary verb. Ling:Guta cúnta, epenthetic vowel.
In ~ chúnamh Dé, with the help of God.
~í cúnta, accessory food factors.
Ní ~ ná cúnamh dúinn é, it is of no earthly use to us.
D’ordaigh ~ cúnamh, God helps those who help themselves.
~ cúnta, treorach, auxiliary, director, circle.
Cúnamh le duine, to help s.o.
Rud a chúnamh do dhuine, to abet s.o. in sth.
Le cúnamh Dé agus na ~e, God willing and the weather permitting.
Mún ~ san fharraige; cúnamh an ~ don fharraige, a mere drop in the ocean.
~ fada, gairid, éiginnte, cúnta, srónach, long, short, indefinite, epenthetic, nasal, vowel.
~ ar phost, ar cheadúnas, ar chúnamh, an application for a post, for a licence, for assistance.
Is ~ an cúnamh dom é, it is of little help to me.
Thug sé ~ chuidithe, chúnta, dom, he gave me a helping hand.
Ba bheag an mhoill ort lámh chúnta a thabhairt dom, it wouldn’t trouble you much to give me a helping hand.
Ag ~t cúnamh dífhostaíochta, drawing unemployment assistance.
D’~ cúnaimh, for want of help.