Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
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Seans gur foirm é chuir de: cur » · cuir »
Chuir sé ~ orm é, he persuaded me of it.
Chuir sé ~ ann, he attached a condition to it.
Chuaigh sé, chuir sé é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Chuir sí a ceann in ~ an anró, she made an unfortunate marriage.
An bhean is breátha a chuir a haghaidh le h~, the most beautiful woman ever born.
Chuir sé ~ sa scéal, he added to, qualified, the statement.
Chuir sé ~ orm, he made me feel embarrassed.
Chuir an bia ~ ann, the food cheered him.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.).
Chuir sé as a n-~ iad, he sent them astray.
Chuir siad ~ na mbó maol ar a chéile, they quarrelled on first acquaintance.
Chuir sé ~ na gcnámh, he sweated hard; he worked hard for a living.
Thug, chuir, mé in ~ labhairt leis, I felt like speaking to him; I was about to speak to him (but didn’t).
Níor chuir mé aon duine ~ ná as, I made no reference to anybody in particular.
Chuir sé an fharraige ~ de, he crossed the sea.
Chuir sí ciarsúr ~ ar a ceann, she covered her head with a handkerchief.
Chuir sé ~ ar mo chroí, it gladdened my heart.
Chuir sé amach a theanga orm, he put out his tongue at me.
Chuir mé ~ beag ar an litriú, I have made minor alterations in the spelling.
Chuir sí ~ ar a cuid gruaige, a cuid éadaigh, she did her hair, tidied her clothes.
Chuir sé ~ ar na bróga dom, he mended the shoes for me.
Chuir sé a bhail féin ar an scéal, he told his own version of the story.
Chuir mé cluiche agus bhí mé dhá phingin sa bháin, I got a game and was owed twopence from the kitty.
Chuir sé lámh ina bhás féin, he committed suicide.
Is iomaí rud a chuir an fear sin i mo bhealach, that man has put many benefits in my way.
Chuir sí ~ ar an tine, she put fuel on the fire.
Chuir sé tairne i m~ sa chapall, sa bheo ag an gcapall, he drove the nail into the horse’s quick.
Bhíog sé nuair a chuir mé mo lámh air, he gave a start when I put my hand on him.
Chuir sé ~ ar a chuid airgid, he put his money to good use.
Sin an rud a chuir ar a bhoinn é, that is what set him up, made him.
Chuir siad a bhonn, they found its trail.
Chuir, bhuail, sé ~ ar a éadan, he gave his face a quick wash, a lick and a promise.
Ní maith an phaidir a chuir sé i mo bhóthar, he didn’t give me a very gracious send-off.
Chuir tú an ~ air, you spoiled it completely.
Chuir sé an cheist sin orm do mo bhrath, he put that question to me in order to try me out.
Níor chuir an scéala lá braodair air, the news did not worry him in the least.
Chuir sí a ~ ~ uirthi, she put on her finery, trinkets.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he began to sulk.
Chuir sé ~ orm, it disgusted me.
Níor chuir sé lá buartha air, it didn’t worry him in the least.
Níor chuir sé cor dá bhuarach, he didn’t stir a foot.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he set himself up.
Tusa a chuir ~ leis, you started it.
Níor chuir mé a bhun ná a lorg, I made no effort to trace it, made no inquiry whatever about him.
Chuir siad an teach ~, they turned the house upside down, put the house in disorder.
Chuir sé air a chasóg taobh ~, he put on his coat inside out.
Cár chuir tú é? Where did you put it?
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he made a wry mouth.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, he bent, hunched, his back.
Dheamhan ~ a chuir sin air, he was not in the least troubled by that.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht