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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: caipín · cigín · cimín · dipín · caiptín
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cipín, m. (gs. ~, pl. ). 1. Little stick. Ag cruinniú ~í, gathering sticks. Tine chipíní, a fire of sticks. ~í a dhéanamh de rud, to make matchwood of sth. Ní bhrisfeadh sé ~ faoina chos, (he is so light of step that) he would not break a twig under foot. Níl cloch ná ~ ar áit an tí sin anois, where that house stood there is neither stick nor stone left now. ~ a chur le rud, to shore up sth. Cuirfear siar le ~ ort é, (of food) you will take it or get the stick. Bain do chipín, cut your stick, get ready to go. ~í (cos), thin legs, pegs. ~ solais, match. ~ a lasadh, to light a match. ~ cleasach, trap-stick. S.a. ceann11(b). 2. Vet: (pl.) Clams used in castration. Cuirfeadsa ~í ann! I’ll fix him! 3. (In phrases) Bheith ar ~í, to be on tenterhooks. Dá gcuirfeá do shúile ar ~í, try how you may. Ní bheidh aon chipín agam leat, I will have no dealings with you.
Cipíní, clocha, a bhailiú, to gather sticks, stones.
~ féir, cocháin, tuí, luachra, cipíní, bundle of hay, straw, thatch, rushes, sticks.
~ cipín, maide, máilléid, blockhead.
Cipíní, lampa, tine, a ~adh, to light sticks, a lamp, a fire.
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