Baile Foclóir Nua Béarla–Gaeilge » FNBG »
Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: Aden · de · dea · dean · deán
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
den : de1.
Ní den ~ an chéad snáithe, you must spoil before you spin.
Taobh ~ den loch, on this side of the lake.
Bhí eireaball, sciorta, den ~ air, he was a bit lucky.
Ná baintear an t-~ den bhairín, den bhlonag, call a spade a spade.
Tráthanna ~ den bhliain, (at) certain times of the year.
2. ~ creidimh, den Chré, article of faith, of the Creed.
An chéad ~ den mhéar, the first finger-joint.
An t-~ seo den bhliain, (at) this time of year.
Stad den ~, stop your antics.
de (> den), do (> don), i (> sa, san before
~ anuas den tseilf é, take it down from the shelf.
~eadh a ainm den rolla, his name was taken off the roll.
~ an scian den leanbh, take the knife from the child.
Bhain sí an leanbh den chíoch, den diúl, she weaned the child.
Níl á bhaint den saol ach é, it is worrying him to death.
Bia a bhaint den talamh, den fharraige, to get food from the land, the sea.
Giota a bhaint de thuras, den bhealach, to shorten, set out on first stage of, a journey.
An siúl a bhaint den bhád, to reduce the speed of the boat.
~ den dorú, draw in the fishing-line.
Bhain sé faoi san áit seo nuair a bhí sé tuirseach den siúl, he settled down in this place when he was tired of travelling.
~ den chorp, part, organ, of body.
Níl ann ach ~ den saol, he is just an ordinary person.
Gach ~ den teach, den domhan, every place in the house, in the world.
Is fearr ~ den lá ná dhá bhanlámh den oíche, it is better to start early than to work late.
An ~ a bhaint den bhainne, to skim the milk.
An bhfuil ~ ar bith agat den aimsir? Have you any idea of what the weather will be like?
Chuaigh mé cuid den bhealach leis, I accompanied him part of the way.
~ den aer cumhra, a breath of fresh air.
~ den ádh, stroke of luck.
Do bheatha a bhaint den, as an, talamh, to make a living from the land.
~ den phíopa, a puff of the pipe.
Bhog sé den roth, he let go the wheel.
Rinne siad ~ den chreagán, they churned up the hard ground.
Tabhair lán a bhonn den bhóthar, den chnoc, dó, let him take the road, to the hills; send him packing.
Thógamar an charraig den chéad bhord, we cleared the rock on the first tack.
Bhí ~ den ghaoth linn, we had the wind in our side.
Bhainfeadh sé an bhraillín den chorp, he would rob a corpse of its winding-sheet; nothing is too mean for him.
Tá ~ den áibhirseoir ann, he is a limb of Satan.
Rinne na ba ~ den ghort, den choirce, the cows trampled the field, the oats.
~ den núicléas, liquid-drop model of the nucleus.
Tá ~ den tsláinte agam, I am in fairly good health.
Thóg siad an bhó den bhuarach aige, they took his cow from her stall-rope, seized his cow.
Cuid den chadhain seo a chur sa chadhain (úd) eile, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
~ anuas den bhalla é, knock it down off the wall.
~ den bhord é, throw it down from the table.
~eadh den chapall é, he was thrown from the horse.
An ceann ~ den obair, the least, easiest, part of the work.
Ba charghas liom cur suas den bhia, it pained me to refuse the food.
Cén lá den tseachtain é? What day of the week is it?
~ den bheirt, den dá rud, either of the two (persons), of the two things.
Teilgeadh i g~ na leon é, he was cast into the lions’ den.
Teach cearrbhachais, gaming-house, gambling-den.
~a faolchon, wolves’ dens.
Tá an áit ina ~ dhearg acu, they have turned the place into a den; they are haunting the place.
~ sionnaigh, fox’s den.
~ bithiúnach, den of thieves.
~ ladrann, den of thieves.
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