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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: · D · deo · dho · do-
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
do1, poss.a. (Lenites; written d’ before vowel or fh followed by vowel) Your (sg.). 1. D’athair, do mhac, d’fhocal, do fhreagra, your father, your son, your word, your answer. Tá do dhóthain agat, you have your fill. An é sin do bharúil de? Is that your opinion of it? 2. (Indicating subject under discussion) Sin do Bhrian agat, that is Brian for you. Cá bhfuil do dhlí anois? Now, where’s your law? 3. (As object of vn.) Dá mbeifeá do do mharú, if you were being killed. Bhí sé do d’fhiafraí, he was enquiring about you.
do2, vb. particle. (Lenites; used sometimes with past tenses and conditional of verbs beginning with consonant, and regularly as d’ with verbs beginning with vowel or f) 1. D’ól, d’óladh, d’ólfadh, sé bláthach, he drank, used to drink, would drink, buttermilk. D’fhreagair tú mo cheist, you answered my question. (Do) lean sé an tóir, he followed the chase. 2. (With copula) (Do)b’fhearr liom gan é, I would rather be without it.
do3, prep. (Pron. forms: dom, duit, dó m, di f, dúinn, daoibh, dóibh) (Lenites; becomes d’ before vowel or fh followed by vowel; combines (i) with article an to form don, (ii) with possessive adjectives a, ár, to form dá, dár. See 2,3, dár1) To, for. 1. (Destination) Dul don siopa, don Spáinn, to go to the shop, to Spain. Cuir don chófra é, put it (by) in the chest. Duine a thabhairt do láimh, to bring s.o. to hand, into custody. Tabhair do d’aire (go), take (to your) notice (that). Don diabhal leis! Let him, it, go to the devil! 2. (a) (Nearness, relationship) (Bheith) i ndeas, cóngarach, do rud, (to be) near, convenient, to sth. Dlúth, gaolmhar, do, close, related, to. (Is) mac dom é, he is a son of mine. Bhí mé ag caint le deartháir duit, I was talking to a brother of yours. Casadh cara dó orm, I met a friend of his. (b) (Exclusiveness) Tá seomra dó féin aige, he has a room of his own. 3. (Introducing indirect object) (a) (With transitive verbs of giving, offering, etc.) Rud a thabhairt, a thairiscint, a thaispeáint, do dhuine, to give, offer, show, sth. to s.o. Rud a insint a mhíniú, a mhúineadh, do dhuine, to tell, explain, teach, sth. to s.o. Ordú, comhairliú, ligean, do dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to order, counsel, allow, s.o. to do sth. Maith dúinn ár gcionta, forgive us our trespasses. Ní cheadóinn a leithéid duit, I wouldn’t permit you any such thing. Ná bacadh sin duit é, let that not baulk you of it. S.a. bain do. (b) (With intransitive verbs of yielding, obeying, etc.) Géilleadh, umhlú, do dhuine, to submit, bow, to s.o. Toiliú, creidiúint, do rud, to consent, give credence, to sth. Bheannaigh sé dom, he greeted me. Diúltaím dó, I renounce it. Ní oireann sé duit, it doesn’t suit you. Chonacthas dom go raibh ciall leis, it appeared to me to make sense. Tharla dúinn a bheith ann, we happened to be there. S.a. bain do. 4. (Introducing person or thing affected by action, event, attitude, etc.) (a) (With transitive verb) Rud a dhéanamh, a sholáthar, a fháil, do dhuine, to do, provide, get, sth. for s.o. Inis scéal dúinn, tell us a story. Dúirt mé paidir dó, I said a prayer for him. An rachaidh tú chun an tsiopa dom? Will you go to the shop for me? (b) (With substantive verb) Urraim, trua, a bheith agat do dhuine, to have respect, pity, for s.o. Bheith fabhrach, dílis, do rud, to be favourable, faithful, to sth. Bheith go maith, go holc, do dhuine, to be good, bad, to s.o. (c) (Without verb) Bia don ocrach, food for the hungry. Scolaíocht, laethanta saoire, do pháistí, schooling, holidays, for children. (d) (In invocation) Oíche mhaith duit, I bid you good night. Codladh sámh duit, may you sleep well. Nollaig faoi mhaise daoibh, a happy Christmas to you. 5. (With copula, expressed or implied, to introduce person or thing to which something applies) (a) (With adjective) Is maith, méanar, dóibh é, it is well, happy, for them. Is fada dúinn an oíche, the night is long for us. Is beag an chabhair dúinn iad, they are of little help to us. Ba cheart duit labhairt leis, you ought to speak to him. B’fhíor dó é, it was true for him. Is óige duitse ná domsa, you are younger than I am. Más beo slán dó, if he is alive and well. (b) (With abstract noun or pronoun) Mar is eol duit, as you know. Más obair dúinn é, if it be a proper thing for us to do. Is cuma duit, it doesn’t matter to you. B’éigean dóibh teitheadh, they had to fly. Ní foláir dom deifir a dhéanamh, I must make haste. Mar an gcéanna dúinn uile, likewise with all of us. Ní hé sin duitse é, it is not so with you. (c) (In certain interrogatory phrases) Cad is ainm, sloinne, dó? What is his name, surname? Cá haois duit? What age are you? Cárb as dóibh? Where are they from? Conas dó? How is he? Cad chuige duit é sin a rá? Why do you say that? (d) (With verbal adjective to denote necessity, possibility) Ní gearánta duit, you shouldn’t complain. Obair is indéanta dó, work which he can do. Scéal is inchreidte dóibh, a story which they may believe. (e)Do mo mháthair an féirín, the gift is for my mother. Duitse an ceann seo, this one is for you. 6. (a) (Expressing virtual subject of verbal noun, preceded by preposition or prepositional phrase) Ag teacht dom, when I was coming. Ar imeacht dó, when he had gone. Le linn dúinn a bheith ag fanacht leo, while we are, while we were, waiting for them. Lit: Go déanamh aithrí dóibh, until they repent(ed). (b) (Preceded by adverbial phrases of time) Ar an drochuair dó, in an evil hour for him. Ar mo leaba dom aréir, when I was in bed last night. Sa chomhrá dúinn, during the course of our conversation. 7. (Used to connect preceding noun or pronoun, which is virtual subject or object, with verbal noun) = a4. Form do retained with poss. adjs. do, mo, bhur. See do1 3, mo 4, bhur 2.
do-4, pref. (Hyphenated before vowels, and before bh, dh, gh, mh, when followed by a, la, ra) 1. Impossible, extremely difficult, to. 2. Ill, evil.
A haon, a dó, a trí, one, two, three.
Séamas a Dó, James the Second.
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
Agus a dhaoire a chosain siad dó, considering how dearly they cost him.
Dúirt mé liom féin gurbh fhearr dom fanacht sa bhaile, I said in my own mind, I considered, that it would be better for me to stay at home.
Ní raibh sé sásta faoi rá gur inis mé di é, he was not pleased that I told her.
~ an dán sin dúinn, recite that poem for us.
~ machnaimh a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. food for thought.
Dhá ~ a bheith ar do choigeal agat, to have two strings to one's bow.
Ní miste duit ~ an tsláinte a bheith agat, you needn’t care so long as you are in good health.
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to reproach s.o.
3. In ~ do, close to, near.
Tá sé in ~, is ~ dó, teach a cheannach, he can afford to buy a house.
Bhí sé ag déanamh ~ dóibh, he was doing them a turn.
~ de, do, adhere to, follow.
D’~ an t-ainm di, the name stuck to her.
~ (de, do), adherence (to).
Admhaím do Dhia, I confess to God.
Ag déanamh aeir dóibh féin, taking the air, enjoying themselves.
Is iontach an ~ a tháinig dó, he took such a peculiar notion.
Ag seo mo chomhairle duit, here, this, is my advice to you.
Ag sin an scéal duit, there, that, is the story for you.
B’éigean dom imeacht aige, I had to leave because of him.
Bhí sé romham ag teacht dom, he met me when I was coming.
~ a thabhairt do rud, to countenance sth.
Ba cheart dúinn a bheith amuigh ~ an lá chomh breá sin, we should be out of doors, seeing that the day is so fine.
Thug sé a oiread dó ~ a shásaigh é, he gave him enough to satisfy him.
~ chainte a thabhairt do dhuine, to make quick retorts, give smart answers, to s.o.
Fad saoil duit in ~ na sláinte, long life and good health to you.
~ a léamh, a rá (do dhuine), to say Mass (for s.o.’s intention).
(do dhuine, to s.o.).
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ar do chroí, it would delight your heart.
Comhairle a ~a a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. bad, evil, advice.
Ná tabhair ~ duit féin amuigh san fhearthainn, don’t soak yourself, ruin your health, out in the rain.
D’anam, do náire, a anacal, to guard one’s soul, one’s honour.
~ a thabhairt do, ar, dhuine, to maltreat s.o.
Thug sé ~ dó féin, he committed suicide.
Brian is ~ dó, his name is Brian.
Cá h~ é? Cá h~ dó? Cad is ~ dó? Cén t-~ atá air? What is his name?
Duine a ainmniú do phost, ina iarrthóir, to nominate s.o. to a post, as a candidate.
Thug siad ~ na hoíche dó, they entertained him for the night.
~ a thabhairt do rud, to take care of sth.
Tabhair ~ do na huibheacha, be careful with the eggs.
Tabhair ~ do do ghnóthaí, mind your business.
Tabhair do d’~, observe; take heed.
~ duit! ~ chugat! Look out!
Níorbh áirithe ar thug sé dúinn, what he gave us was not worth mentioning.
Sin é atá áirithe dó, so it is reckoned.
Ise an ~ is fearr dom, she is my best security.
Thug mé arán dó ach níor mhian leis a ithe, I gave him bread but he did not want to eat it.
An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
~ nach bhfuil baint agat leis, say you have nothing to do with it.
A rá is de go ndéanfadh sé sin, to think he would do that.
Ní deir sin nach fear maith é, that does not mean that he is not a good man.
~ (ar) rud a dhéanamh, able to do sth.
3. Níor tháinig sé ~ leis é a dhéanamh, it is not in his nature to do it.
Is mór an spórt é i mbaile gan ~, it is great sport for those who have nothing better to do.
Ní dhearna sé ~ a cheann a chromadh, all he did was to bow his head.
Cad é ~ na páirce sin? How far does that park extend?
Achtú ar dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to enjoin on s.o. to do sth.
Bhí sé ag déanamh ~ dóibh, he was doing them a turn.
Níor ~ tú mo litir, you did not acknowledge my letter.
Tá sé ~ go ndearna sé é, he admits that he did it.
Tá go leor le déanamh agam, I have a lot to do.
Níl agat ach é a bhrú, all you have to do is to press it.
Sin é a bhí agat a dhéanamh, that is what you should have done.
Tá uair againn lena dhéanamh, we have an hour in which to do it.
An rud a bhí sé ag iarraidh a dhéanamh, what he was trying to do.
Nár agraí Dia ort é, may God forgive you for (doing, saying) it.
Ná bí ~ orainn inár ngníomhartha, do not punish us for our deeds.
Bhí sé ann ~ níor labhair sé, he was there but he did not speak.
Achainím ort ~ ná déan é, I beseech you not to do it.
~ an fíor sin? Do you tell me that’s true?
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
Ní fhéadfainn, ~ mo dhícheall a dhéanamh, an chloch sin a thógáil, I could not lift that stone, even if I did my best.
Déanfaidh mé é chomh maith ~ is féidir liom, I’ll do it as well as I can.
A fhad ~ nár tháinig sé chomh fada linn, so long as it did not come near us.
Níor ~ sé air, he did not enlarge on it.
Dá mbeadh breith, greim, ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
Nár aifrí Dia orm é, may God forgive me for (saying, doing) it.
Ní bhfaighinn i m’~ é a dhéanamh, I couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Cad ab ~ leat díom? What do you want with me?
Cad ab ~ leat á dhéanamh sin? What are you doing that for?
~ a fháil ar rud, to get an opportunity to do sth.
Is beag eile atá ar a ~, he has little else to do.
Tá mo cheart ar m’~, I have enough to do.
Cén chaoi a n-airíonn tú? How do you feel?
An airíonn tú leat mé? Do you hear me?
Ar ~ tú an ceann seo? Did you count, include, this one?
Cad é an ~ de bhlianta a chaith sé ann? How many years exactly did he spend there?
An ndéanfá ~ dom? Would you do me a favour?
Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.).
Is ~ a chruthaigh sé, he did very well.
An ~ nár labhair sé liom, because he did not speak to me.
Ní h~ dom é, I do not know him.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé mórán áithis, he won’t do much good.
Ní aithníonn fear an tsaibhris leath a ghaolta, the rich man does not acknowledge acquaintance with half his relatives.
~t ar, de, dhuine rud a dhéanamh, to bid s.o. to do sth.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht