drabhlás, m. (gs. -áis).1. Carouse, debauch; dissipation, profligacy. Bheith, dul, ar an ~, to be, become, debauched, a profligate. Duine a chur ar an ~, chun an drabhláis, to set s.o. off on a drinking career; to debauch s.o. Tá sé ar an ~ le fada, he has been on the booze, has been leading a wild life, this long time. Dul, imeacht, le ~ an tsaoil, to lead a dissolute life, to go to the bad. Do shaol a chaitheamh le ~, to dissipate one’s life. ~ na hóige a chur díot, to sow one’s wild oats. Lucht drabhláis, carousers, rakes, profligates. 2. Waste, improvidence. 3. Bitterness, wretchedness. 4. Carouser; rake, profligate; waster.