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Focail chosúla: eacht · iacht · imeachtaí · imeachtar · imeanacht
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Seans gur foirm é imeacht de: imigh »
imeacht, m. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of imigh. 2. Going, departure. ~ duine as an mbaile, s.o.’s departure from home. Am ~a na traenach, the time of departure of the train. Hist: I~ na nIarlaí, the flight of the Earls. Le h~ an earraigh, with the passing of Spring. ~ na taoide, the ebbing of the tide. Tá sé chun ~a, he is ready to go; he is fit to make a start in life. Bhí an t-~ air, he had to go; his span of life was up. Is é an t-~ é, it is time to part. ~ gan teacht air! I hope he is gone for good! Níl ~ agat air, you can’t get away from it. 3. Demand (ar, for). Bhí an-~ ar eallach seasc, dry cattle were selling fast. 4. Elopement. Ba mhór an lá ~a é, it was a day of many elopements. Níl tóir ar an ~ anois, runaway matches are not so popular now. 5. (a) Course, passage. ~ cúrsaí, current of events. In ~ an lae, in the course of the day. In ~ achair, after a while. Le h~ aimsire, with the passage of time. (b) (Rate of) progress. Ar an ~ atá fúinn, at the rate we are going. Tá an-~ faoi, he is going very fast. Ar aon ~ amháin, at a uniform pace. Bhí a cosa agus an ceol ar aon ~, her feet kept time with the music. (c) Tá ~ an tí fúthu, they have the run of the house. 6. Gait, bearing, demeanour. Is breá an t-~ atá faoi, he bears himself well; (of horse, etc.) he has a fine action. Tá ~ aerach fúthu, they are inclined to be flighty. Má bhíonn tú i bhfad eile ar an ~ sin, if you carry on like that much longer. Conas tá sibh? An t-~ céanna i gcónaí. How are you? Getting along as usual. 7. Proceeding, transaction. ~aí an lae, the events of the day. ~aí na Dála, the Dáil proceedings. Nós ~a, procedure. Tús a chur ar na himeachtaí, to open the proceedings. Jur: ~aí a thionscnamh, to institute proceedings. 8. (pl.) Ways, directions. Sna himeachtaí seo, in these parts. (Var: f)
An fear a bhfuil a mhac ag imeacht, the man whose son is going away.
Bhí an bád ag imeacht ar a h~ féin, the boat was drifting.
Ní ag teacht atá siad ~ ag imeacht, they are not coming but going.
Ag imeacht le h~ an tsaoil, pleasure-seeking, leading a gay life.
B’éigean dom imeacht aige, I had to leave because of him.
Bhí sé mór againn imeacht air, it was too much to expect that we should leave without him.
Le h~, le himeacht ~e, in course of time.
Ag imeacht gan ~, wandering aimlessly.
In ~ imeacht, instead of leaving.
Ag imeacht lena ~, making off with his bundle, swag.
Nuair ab ~ dúinn imeacht, when it was time for us to go.
Más ~ go bhfuil tú ag imeacht, if in fact you are going away.
Ógánaigh ag imeacht ~, youths going around indolent, becoming wastrels.
Tá sé ar ~ imeacht, he is about to go.
Imeacht faoi bheiriú, to over-boil; to evaporate.
An mhuintir a bhí tar éis imeacht, the people who had just gone.
Má tá fút imeacht, if you intend to go away.
Is ~ liom imeacht air, I don’t like to go away without him.
Imeacht ~ te, to go off hotfoot.
Tá mo chuid oibre (ag imeacht) ar ~, my work is being neglected, going to loss.
Imeacht sna boinn, i do chosa boinn, to go barefoot.
Ar bhord(a) imeacht, about to depart.
Ag ~ le himeacht, about to depart.
~ ar imeachtaí na comharsan, alert to what goes on among the neighbours.
Níor bhraith mé an lá ag imeacht, I did not notice the day passing.
Tá mé ag brath (ar) imeacht, I intend to go away.
Tá ~ aige (ar) imeacht, he intends to go away.
Ná lig an bhrí as; ná lig don bhrí imeacht as, don’t let its strength evaporate.
Tá sé i m~ gan a bheith ag imeacht, he is impatient to get away.
Ná bí ag imeacht i m~ na fearthainne, don’t go when it’s starting to rain.
Ag ~ ar (imeacht, fhearthainn), on the verge of (departure, rain).
Bhí ~laidhre air ag imeacht, he was in a hurry, impatient, to get away.
Bhí an bád ag imeacht as ~, the boat was going out of control.
~fidh mé imeacht, I must go.
Imeacht ar do chamchuairt, to go off on one’s rambles.
Nuair a bhí ~ imeachta aige, when he had a chance to leave.
Ag imeacht ~ díreach roimh an ngaoth, sailing straight before the wind, running free.
Ag imeacht ar ~ chárthainn, running helter-skelter.
(Tá) a chead aige fanacht nó imeacht, he may stay or go as he pleases.
Imeacht gan chead gan cheiliúradh, to leave without permission, without saying good-bye to anybody; to take French leave.
Cheadaigh siad dom imeacht, they gave me leave to go.
Ag imeacht ~, running loose.
Imeacht gan chead gan cheiliúradh, to leave without permission or parting greeting, to take French leave.
Tá sé (ag imeacht) ina chéis, he is (getting) very fat, bloated.
Cad é is ~ dó imeacht mar sin? What prompted him to go away like that?
Imeacht idir ~ agus ursain (ar dhuine), to have a narrow escape (from s.o.).
Ag imeacht i g~ bacaigh, going about looking, dressed, like a beggar.
Bád ag imeacht le ~, a boat hugging the shore.
Ag imeacht le ~, sailing large.
Ag imeacht i g~, (i) travelling in a coach, (ii) well-to-do.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht