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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: iomadú · iomard · iomad · iomar · iomardúil
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Seans gur foirm é iomardú de: iomardaigh »
iomardú, m. (gs. -daithe, pl. -duithe). 1. vn. of iomardaigh1. 2. Reproach, accusation, challenge. ~ a chur ar dhuine faoi rud, to reproach, challenge, s.o. with sth. Rinneadh ~ crua orm, I was severely indicted. Lá an iomardaithe, the great account, the Day of Judgment.
Rud a iomardú ar dhuine, to reproach s.o. with sth.; to challenge s.o. to account for sth.
Ba cheart duit an chaint sin a iomardú uirthi, you should charge her with, call on her to explain, that statement.
Ná fág coir gan iomardú, let no offence go unchallenged.
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