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Focail chosúla: iomán · iomlánú · iolrán · iomáin · iomána
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iomlán1, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~). 1. All, the whole; total, aggregate. ~ na ndaoine, all of the people. ~ na fírinne, the whole truth. ~ a shaoil, his whole life. Le h~ a nirt, with all his strength. Tá ~ an scéil anois agat, now you know the whole story. ~ a raibh aige, all he had. Faoi ~ éadaigh, under full sail. An t-~ againn, all of us. Thug sé leis an t-~ léir, he took the whole lot. An t-~ díreach, dearg, agaibh, the whole blooming lot of you. I measc an iomláin acu, among all of them. Idir an t-~, including everything. Mar bharr ar an ~, to crown everything. Is tú is cúis leis an ~, you are the cause of it all. Bhí an t-~ i ngeall air, everything depended on it. San ~, in all, all told. Ina ~, in its entirety. An t-~ a íoc, to pay the whole amount. Céad punt an t-~, the total is one hundred pounds. 2. Full. Tá ~ gealaí, rabharta, ann, the moon, the spring tide, is at the full.
iomlán2, a1. 1. Full, whole, complete. (a) Liosta, sraith, ~, complete list, series. Bosca ~ lasán, full box of matches. Troscadh ~, complete fast. Lá ~, whole day. Éagumas ~, total incapacity. Pribhléid ~, absolute privilege. Tá sé ann go h~, it is all there. Tá an ceart go h~ agat, you are altogether right. Thuill sé go h~ é, he thoroughly deserved it. Aontaím go h~ leat, I agree entirely with you. Ó mo chroí go h~, with all my heart. Go huile agus go h~, totally and entirely. (b) Fear ~, full-bodied, well-built, man. 2. Lit: Whole, safe, unharmed. Agus a dteacht féin ~ as, whilst they themselves came out of it unscathed. Lig sé ~ uaidh é, he let him go unharmed.
iomlán3 = iomlánaigh1.
Faoi iomlán airm, fully armed.
Bhain sé ~ den iomlán acu, he held his own against the whole lot of them.
Is tú is ~ leis an iomlán, you are to blame for the whole lot.
Chomhairfinn lá iomlán don obair sin, I reckon it would take a whole day to do that job.
Chroch siad iomlán éadaigh, they crowded on sail.
Iomlán dá mbaineann linn, all (of those) who are connected with us.
An t-iomlán ~ agaibh, the whole darned lot of you.
~ iomlán, neamhiomlán, perfect, imperfect, contrition.
~ iomlán, poiblí, reachtúil, absolute, public, statutory, duty.
Faoi iomlán éadaigh, under full sail.
Tá an t-iomlán ag dul le ~ air, everything is slipping away from him.
Faoi iomlán gaile, under full steam.
Tá ceathrú, leath, iomlán, gealaí ann, there is a quarter, a half, a full, moon.
Go huile, go hiomlán, entirely.
Faoi iomlán a cuid ~, in all her adornments.
Chuir sé an t-iomlán againn faoi bhrí na ~, he castigated the whole lot of us.
Ina iomláine, in its entirety.
Mar ~ iomlán sa chaill, in full compensation for the loss.
~ iomlán, ar chuntas, roimh ré, payment in full, on account, in advance.
Ina ~, as a ~, in its entirety.
Tabhair leat ina ~ é, take it all together.
Ag iompar iomlán éadaigh, carrying full sail.
~ iomlán, páirteach, plenary, partial, indulgence.
~ bharr ar an iomlán, to cap everything.
~ iomlán, total disablement.
An ~ iomlán, the full measure.
Mo ~ den iomlán acu, my pick of them all.
Iomlán ar shín roimhe, all who stretched back in line before him. (Of descendants)
~ ar aghaidh an t-iomlán, bring forward the total.
~ iata, iomlán, closed, complete, set.
Go h~ is go hiomlán, totally and entirely.
Chuir sé iomlán a chuid ~ san urchar, he put all his strength into the throw.
Maidir leis an suíomh seo | Conas an suíomh seo a úsáid | Aiseolas | Inrochtaineacht | Breiseáin agus giuirléidí | Aip an tsuímh | An Draoi Gramadaí | Nuacht