muid, 1 pl. pron. We, us. 1. We. (a) (Subject of vb.) Tá, bhí, bheadh, ~, we are, were, would be. Mura gcuire ~ ní bhainfidh ~, unless we sow we shall not reap. Rinne ~ féin é, we ourselves did it. (b) (With copula) Is ~ atá freagrach ann, it is we who are answerable for it. Ní ~ a chuir tús leis, we did not start it. (c) (With autonomous vb.) Buaileadh ~, we were beaten. (d) (Virtual subject of vn.) Cad é a tháinig orainn? ~ a bheith faillíoch. What happened us? We were negligent. (e) (After agus) Agus ~ óg, at a time when we were young. 2. Us. (a) (Direct object) Lean sé ~, he followed us. (b) (After preps. that have no pron. form) Ach ~, except us. Gan ~, without us.