oiread, s. (gs. ~). (Treated as f. with article, except in gen.; followed by m. form of adjective). 1. Lit: Length, of time, space, distance. A ~ ba bheo iad, as long as they were alive. ~ bhead abhus, while I am here. An ~ do chuaigh an tsaighead, as far as the arrow went. An ~ do gheibh sé ómós, so long as he is treated with respect. 2. Amount, quantity, number. (a) (With m. poss. a. a, often omitted) Tá a ~ agat liom féin, you have as much as I have. Tá a ~ le déanamh agam, I have so much to do. Bhí a ~ deifre orainn leis an obair, we were in such a hurry with the work. Níl a ~ aithne air leat, he is not so well known as you are. Dá mbeadh a ~ de mhisneach aige, if he had that much courage. Ná tabhair a ~ de shásamh dóibh, don’t give them that satisfaction. Níl a ~ de mhaith ionat, you haven’t the gumption. Déanfaidh mé a ~ duit, I’ll do as much for you. Ní raibh mé ag súil lena ~ uait, I didn’t expect so much from you. (b) Ach ~, no more than, either. Ach ~ leat féin, any more than you. Ach ~ leis sin, for that matter. Ní raibh mise ann ach ~, I wasn’t there either. (c) (Followed by agus, is) A ~ is a shásódh é, as much as would satisfy him. A ~ is is mian leat, as much as you wish. A ~ is pingin, as much as a penny. Ní raibh ~ is focal as, there wasn’t even a word out of him. (d) Tá a dhá ~ agam leat, I have twice as much as you. Tá do thrí ~ ann, he is three times your size. Gheobhainn a cheithre ~ orthu, I would get four times as much for them. ~ go leith, one and a half times as much. A ~ eile, as much again. (e) (With article) Bhí an ~ airgid aige (go), he had so much money (that). Bhí an ~ sin feirge orm, I was so angry. Níl an ~ sin acu ann, there aren’t so many of them. An ~ céanna, the same amount. An ~ (sin) eile, as much again. (f)An ~ seo, so much. An ~ seo an chloch, so much a stone. An ~ seo airgid, so much money. Chosain sé an ~ seo, it cost so much. (g) Size. Is fiú a h~ féin óir í, she is worth her weight in gold. D’~ féin d’fhear, a man of your size. Níl ~ m’ordóige ann, he is not as big as my thumb. Dá ~, for its size. ~ na fríde, the tiniest bit.
Thug sé a oiread dó ~ a shásaigh é, he gave him enough to satisfy him.
Ní raibh a oiread ~ duine ann, there was not even one person there.
Níl oiread ~ ann, it is only a tiny amount; he is very tiny.
~ an oiread seo uaidh, subtract so much from it.
An oiread seo de bharr air, so much over and above it.
Oiread is a chaochfadh súil, a tiny little bit.
Bhí a oiread sin ~a faoi, he was going at such a pace.
Níl a fhios aige ach oiread le ~ a chinn, he hasn’t the remotest idea.
Bhí a oiread againn, ~ linn, agus a riarfadh ár gcás, we had enough, we thought, to provide for us in the circumstances.
A dhá oiread ~, twelve times as much.
Tá a ~ oiread agam leo, I have twice as much as they have.
An oiread seo sa ~, a difference of so much.
Níl oiread ~ ann, he is as diminutive as a wren.
Ach oiread le ~, any more than another.
An raibh mórán ann? Ní hé an oiread sin é. Were there many there? Not so many.
A oiread ~, as many more; as much again.
Is ~ liom an oiread sin é, I consider it to be worth that much.
Oiread na ~e de rud, the least little bit of sth.; a diminutive thing.
Níl oiread na ~e ann, there is practically nothing in it; he is just a midget.
Ní raibh oiread na ~e air, he was hardly marked; there was scarcely anything the matter with him.
Ní ghabhfadh a oiread thairis, not even that much would escape his notice.
Dá mbeadh an oiread sin de ghus ann, if he had that much go in him.
An oiread seo a ~aidh ar rud, to ask so much for sth.
Ní imeodh a oiread air, even that much couldn’t escape his notice.
Ná bíodh an oiread sin calláin libh, don’t come with so much noise.
Níl ~ ag an óige ar a saol ach oiread leis an aois, death comes to young and old alike.
An oiread seo sa phunt, faoin b~, a íoc, to pay so much in the pound.
~ sé liom ar an oiread seo, he settled with me for so much.
Tá an oiread sin go ~ ann, there is at least that much in it.
An oiread seo sa t~, so much per week.
Tá an oiread sin ann, má tá sé ~ leis, there is that much in it, if not more.
Ní rachadh a oiread thairis, even that much couldn’t escape his attention.
An oiread seo a dhéanamh san ~, to do so much in an hour, per hour.
Níl a fhios agam ach oiread le h~ na bhfiann, I haven’t the faintest idea.