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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: oraibh · rabh · raibhe · raibí · raimh
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Seans gur foirm é raibh de: bí »
raibh1, f. (gs. ~e). Floating seaweed.
raibh2, f = ruibh1.
raibh3, f = .
raibh4 : 3.
An teach a raibh sé ina chónaí ann, the house in which he lived.
An bhfuair tú a raibh uait? Did you get all that you wanted?
Ní raibh sé sásta faoi rá gur inis mé di é, he was not pleased that I told her.
Ní raibh mé ach ag ~, I was only joking.
4. Ní raibh an teacht ~ ann, he had not the strength to recover.
Ní raibh agam ~ é, it was all I had.
Ní raibh mise ann ~ chomh beag, I wasn’t there either.
Ní raibh ~ agam labhairt, I couldn’t bear to speak.
D’~ sé go raibh an ceart agam, he admitted that I was right.
Ní raibh agam ach an teach a dhíol, I had no alternative but to sell the house.
Ní raibh aon ~ agam ar an leabhar a léamh, I hadn’t time, leisure, to read the book.
Is dóigh go raibh rud éigin uaidh ~ é a theacht anseo, he probably wanted something, seeing that he came here.
Ní raibh a oiread ~ duine ann, there was not even one person there.
Ó bhí ~ go raibh, since it was, which is true.
Ní raibh mé i m’~ riamh go dtí anois, never before was I in such a fix.
D’~ sé go raibh eagla orm, he perceived that I was afraid.
D’~ mé air go raibh sé imníoch, I perceived he was anxious.
Is cosúil go raibh siad in ~ dá chéile, it seems they were fated for each other.
Ní raibh sé in ~ a bheith ag casaoid, he had no reason to complain.
D’~ sé go raibh fearg orm, he perceived I was angry.
D’~ mé air go raibh sé tuirseach, I saw by him that he was tired.
D’~ mé (go raibh) an slaghdán ag teacht orm, I realized that I was getting a cold.
Ní raibh ~ súl ná béil air, his features were unrecognizable, he was all bespattered (with mud, etc.).
Ní raibh m’~ ar aon duine riamh, nobody could regret it more than I do.
Ní raibh sé in ann an scéal a chur in ~ a chéile, he was not able to tell the story coherently.
Nuair nach raibh sé in ~ a chosanta, when he was not in a position to defend himself.
Is ~ a shíl sé go raibh fearg orm, the fact is that he thought I was angry.
Sula raibh an bhliain ~, before the year was out.
Ní raibh aon ~ air, he was not badly treated.
Ní raibh ~ ach cé ab fhearr, they were all vying with one another.
Ní raibh ~ ach nár cailleadh iad, they were very nearly lost.
(Ní raibh) ~ ach é! It was a near thing!
Ní raibh ~ airgead agam, I had no money.
Ach nach raibh ~ airm acu, but that they had no arms, that they were unarmed.
Ní raibh sé in ~ é a dhéanamh, he hadn’t the strength to do it.
4. Ní raibh d’~ ná (de) mháthair ann ach iasc, the place was alive with fish.
Ní raibh mórán áthais agam orm féin, I was not very pleased with myself.
Níor bhac duit go raibh mise leat, it was just as well for you that I was along with you.
Ní raibh ~ aige ach é féin, he was all alone in the world.
Ní raibh ~ dó cuidiú a bheith aige, it was well for him that he had help.
Níor fhiafraigh siad díom an raibh ~ orm, they offered me nothing to eat or drink.
Ní raibh mac, Críostaí, an bhéil bheo ann, there was not a living soul there.
Ní raibh as a bhéal ach é, he spoke of nothing else.
Ní raibh mé riamh an ~ sin, sna bealaí sin, I never went in that direction, was never in those parts.
Ní raibh mé i bhfad as ~, I was not far out (in my reckoning).
~ Dé ort, duit, ní raibh mé ach ag magadh, bless your innocence, I was only joking.
Shílfeá go raibh a bheatha ag teacht ó neamh chuige, one would think by him that he had no need to earn his living.
Ní raibh ann ach breith nó fág, it was neck or nothing.
Ní raibh ~ ná ceo le feiceáil, there was not a person or thing to be seen.
Ní raibh aon duine nach bhfaca é, there was no one who did not see him.
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