thart1, adv. & prep. 1. Round, about. ~ ar an teach, ar an tír, round the house, the country. ~ timpeall na háite, round about the place. ~ faoi seo, hereabouts. Ag siúl ~, walking about. Chuamar ~ soir, we went round towards the east. Ag féachaint ~, looking round. Ag iompú ~, turning round. Tá mo cheann ag dul ~, my head is reeling. Ráfla atá ag dul ~, a rumour that is current. Ná bí ag teacht ~ ar an scéal, don’t talk round and round the subject. Cuir ~ na milseáin, pass round the sweets. Tá sé ag teacht ~, he is coming round; he is coming to, reviving. Tá siad ag titim ~, they are falling off to sleep. 2. By, past. (a) Tá an cith ~, the shower is over. Chuaigh an bhliain ~, the year passed. Tá an lá sin ~, that day is gone. An mhí seo a chuaigh ~, last month. Rud a ligean ~, to let sth. pass. Cuir ~ leis sin é, leave it at that. An rud atá ~ bíodh sé ~, let bygones be bygones. Nach tú atá ~! Poor you! (b) Tá sé na ceithre scór ~, he is over fourscore. (c) Chuaigh siad ~ leis an doras, they passed by the door. S.a. cuir ~, leag ~, lig ~, tar ~, téigh ~.
thart2 = tharat : thar.
Ag cur thart an ~a, passing the time.
Ag ~ thart, looking around, back.
Dé hA~ seo chugainn, seo a chuaigh thart, next, last, Friday.
Bailígí thart, timpeall, orm anseo, gather, assemble, around me here.
Bhailigh sé thart ar ball, he passed by a while ago.
Dé Luain ~ seo a chuaigh thart, only last Monday.
An bhliain seo caite, a chuaigh thart, last year.
Ag ~adh amach, thart, moving out, about.
Ag ~ thart, footling about.
Ag ~ thart, nosing about.
Ag ~ thart, walking, trotting, about.
Thart ar bhorda na tíre, around the borders, coasts, of the country.
Ag ~ thart, isteach is amach, tacking about, standing off and on.
Ag ~ thart, snooping around.
Seol a chaitheamh thart, to jib a sail.
~adh thart, timpeall, to turn about.
Ná bí ag ~ thart orm mar sin, don’t keep hovering about me like that.
Ag ~ thart, loafing about.
Thart an ~, round the corner.
Tá sé ~ ar thart, it quenches thirst.
Thart an ~, round the bend.
Thart ar chósta(í) na hEorpa, round the coast(s) of Europe.
Ag ~ (thart), loafing about, loitering.
Cruinniú thart, timpeall, ar dhuine, to gather round s.o.
~ thart ort é, wrap it round you.
Roth a chur thart, to turn a wheel.
Long a chur thart, to turn a ship round.
Rud a chur thart ort, to put sth. round you.
Deoch a chur thart, to pass round a drink.
Chuir siad thart an scéal, they passed the news around.
An saol a chur thart, to take life easy, pass away the time.
An lá a chur thart, to pass the day.
Airgead a chur thart, to put money by.
~ thart rothaí, the turning of wheels.
Ag ~ thart, running about.
Ba dheacair liom dul thart gan labhairt leo, I didn’t want to pass by without speaking to them.
Beannaigh don ~ agus lig an drochdhuine thart, ‘salute the good person and let the bad person pass’, cherish your friends and avoid your enemies.
~ (thart), move over (into position); keep still.
Ag ~ thart, scrounging around.
Ag ~ (thart), loitering about and accosting people.
Ag ~ (thart), walking backwards, sideways (like a crab); crawling about.
~igí thart orm, gather round me.
~ thart an tsaoil, the passing scene.
~ thart an ama, the passing of time.
Ní dhéanaim mórán in ~ a bheith ag siúl thart, I do little except to walk about.
Airgead a fhágáil thart, to lay money by.
Na seanfhaltanais a fhágáil thart, to let old enmities rest.
An fhaill a ligean thart, to let an opportunity pass.
~ a dhéanamh (thart ar an urlár, ar rud), to form a ring (round the floor, round sth.).
Ag ~ thart, wandering about; loitering, loafing, about.