aistear, m. (gs. & npl. -tir, gpl. ~). 1. Journey. ~ farraige, voyage. ~ uisce, journey to fetch water. 2. Roundabout way; inconvenience. An t-~ agus an cóngar, the long way and the short way. Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.). Níorbh ~ dó é, it was no trouble to him. 3. Turas in ~, a journey in vain. (Var: f, gs. aistire)
Choisc sé aistear dom, he saved me a journey.
Duine a chur ar aistear, ar thóir ruda, to send s.o. on a journey, in search of sth.
Turas, aistear, a dhéanamh, to make a pilgrimage, a journey.
~ scéil, leabhair, aistir, the end of a story, of a book, of a journey.
Aistear ~, weary, wearying, journey.
Aistear ~, fruitless journey.
Aistear ~, short journey.
Tú féin a inleadh le haghaidh aistir, to make oneself ready for a journey.
Iompú ó aistear, ó chontúirt, to turn back from a journey, from danger.
Fuair mé ~ m’aistir, I did well out of my journey.
~ tar éis an aistir, worn out after the journey.
Moilliú ar d’aistear, to delay, stop, on one’s journey.
Níl aon ~ anois orainn, we have plenty to occupy us now.
Ba dhiail an ~ dó é, he must have had very little to do.
Le barr neamh-aistir a mhill siad é, they destroyed it out of sheer thoughtlessness, irresponsibility.
Tháinig siad suas linn ar an aistear, they overtook us on the journey.
Ag ~ i gcomhair an aistir, making ready for the journey.