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eisean, emphatic pron., 3 sg. m. (Cannot be the subject of an active verb) He, him. ~ a rinne é, he is the person who did it. ~ atá mé a rá (agus ní tusa), I refer to him (not to you). Ní hí a máthair a lean siad ach ~, they did not take after their mother but after him.
Cé acu eisean? Which of them is he?
Ceoltóir eisean agus ní hea mise, he is a musician and I am not.
Eisean ~, even he.
Is eisean ~ an rógaire, he is indeed a rogue.
~ atá mé a rá (agus ní eisean), I refer to her (not to him).
~ eisean, but for him.
~ acu eisean nó ise a dúirt é, whether it was he or she who said it.
Eisean ~ duine ar bith, he of all people.
Daoine ~ eisean, others besides him.
Bádh eisean is tháinig mise, he drowned and I survived.
Eisean a rinne é ach tusa a d’~ é, he did it but you put him up to it.
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