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Similar words: gruaim · ruaig · ruam · uaim · rai
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ruaim could be a grammatical form of: ruaigh » · ruaigh » · ruaigh »
ruaim1, f. (gs. ~e). 1. Red, russet, (base-)dye. ~ a chur ar éadach, to dye cloth red. 2. Dye-wood, red dye-stuff. 3. ~, uisce ~e, red dye-water; muddied red water. 4. Reddish scum. 5. Coppery colour of skin. 6. Flush of colour. ~ feirge, flush of anger.
ruaim2, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). Fishing-line. Tá dhá ~ ar a shlat aige, he has two strings to his bow. S.a. fabhair1.
ruaim3, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~eanna). Sudden, impulsive, rush. ~ gaoithe móire, blast of high wind. Tháinig siad le ~ isteach, they came dashing in.
D’fhág mé an ruaim is an fhabhair aige, I left him the whole lot, cleared out and let him do what he liked.
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