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accepted could be a grammatical form of: accept »
The accepted custom, an nós a nglactar leis, an nós aitheanta.
He maintained, contrary to accepted opinion, that..., d'áitigh sé. in aghaidh bharúil choitianta na ndaoine, go...,
Gambit accepted, glacfar an fiontar.
He accepted like a shot, ba é sin an guth a fuair a fhreagra.
Unless you know English you are not accepted, mura bhfuil Béarla agat ní ghlacfar leat.
He accepted, as well he might, thoiligh sé, ní nár mhiste dhó.
I think none the worse of him because he accepted it, ní lúide mo mheas air as a ghlacadh.
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