deara, s. (In phrase) Faoi ~. 1. (a) Rud a thabhairt faoi ~, to notice sth. Thug mé faoi ~ (go), I noticed (that). Ní thabharfá faoi ~ é, you wouldn’t notice it, it is not noticeable. Tabhairt faoi ~, notice, perception. Tá tabhairt faoi ~ ann, he is perceptive. (b) Tabhair faoi ~ (go), note (that); bear in mind (that). 2. Rud a chur faoi ~ do dhuine, to cause s.o. to do sth. Is é faoi ~ dom labhairt leat (go), what causes, caused, me to speak to you is, was, (that). Tú féin faoi ~ é, you are the cause of it yourself, you have brought it on yourself. (Var: fá dear, fé ndear(a), fé ndeár)