dorcha1, f. (gs. ~). Darkness, obscurity. Idir dhá dhorcha, between two dusks, from dawn to dark. An Té a rinne sorcha agus ~, He who made light and darkness, day and night.
dorcha2, a3. Dark. 1. Without light. Oíche, uaimh, dhorcha, dark night, cave. Éirí ~, to get dark. Chomh ~ is nár léir duit méar á chur i do shúil, (of pitch-dark night or place) so dark that one could not see a finger being poked in one’s eye. 2. Dark-coloured. Éadach, gloiní, ~, dark cloth, glasses. 3. Dark-complexioned. ~ sa chraiceann, dark-skinned, swarthy. 4. Obscure. Briathar ~ dochiallach, obscure inexplicable word. 5. Blind. Seanduine bocht ~, poor blind old man. Bheith ~ ar rud, to be blind to, ignorant of, sth. 6. Secretive. Is ~ an duine é, he is such a secretive, reserved, person. 7. (With other adjs.) ~ donn, ~ gorm, dark brown, dark blue. (Var: comp. ~í)
Bhí an lá an-dorcha, ~ é chomh fuar, the day was very dark, and it was also very cold.
Níl sé dorcha ~, it is not dark at all.
Gach dorcha agus gach ~, every dark and obscure thing.
Tá sé ~ dorcha, it is pitch-dark.
Dorcha ~, dark and gloomy.
Éirí fuar, dorcha, to get cold, dark.
Ag fáil mór, fuar, dorcha, getting big, cold, dark.
~ dhorcha, chiúin, dark, calm, night.
An ~ dhorcha, the dark of the moon, the dark.
Oíche ~ dorcha, moonless night; very dark night.