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gaoithe could be a grammatical form of: gaoth »
gaoithe : gaoth1.
Tá ~ beag gaoithe ann, there is a little breath of wind.
Tá ~ na farraige, na gaoithe, isteach ann, it is exposed to the sea, the wind.
~ mhór, gaoithe móire, stormy weather.
~ na gaoithe, the direction of the wind.
~ fuar gaoithe, cold breath of wind.
~ maith gaoithe, good breath of wind.
~ gaoithe, storm of wind.
Ar bharr na gaoithe, flighty.
4. ~ gaoithe, gust of wind.
~ gaoithe, light breeze.
Tá an ghaoth ag beochan, tá sé ag beochan chun gaoithe, the wind is freshening, rising.
4. ~ gaoithe, dyspeptic pain.
Tá ~ gaoithe ar na prátaí, the potatoes taste of exposure.
~ gaoithe, kestrel.
Níorbh é ~ na gaoithe a bhí uaidh, it was not the smell of the wind that was from him (but that of alcohol)
3. ~ gaoithe, slight wind.
~ i mbéal na gaoithe, blown drops of rain.
2. ~ gaoithe, breeze.
Tá ~ síne, gaoithe, isteach sa doras againn, the storm, wind, is beating full against our door.
~ na gaoithe, na dtonn, the roar of the wind, of the waves.
~ gaoithe, gust of wind.
~ na gaoithe, quarter from which wind is blowing.
Tá ~ na gaoithe glan, the sky is clear to windward.
Bhí ~eacha farraige, gaoithe, ann, there were tearing seas, howling blasts of wind.
~ tintrí, gaoithe, shaft of lightning, piercing blast of wind.
~ gaoithe, burst of wind.
~ gaoithe, wind-sock.
gaoithe, (i) weather-cock, (ii) changeable person.
Tá sé ar choimirce an tsí gaoithe, he is at the mercy of the whirlwind, of circumstances.
1. ~ (gaoithe), eddying wind, whirlwind; blast of wind.
Ar chúl na gaoithe, sheltered from the wind.
~ gaoithe, stiffness of wind.
~ (na) gaoithe, door exposed to wind; draughty door.
Idir dhá dhoras na gaoithe, between two draughty doors, in a draught.
In ~ an tsrutha, na gaoithe, against the current, the wind.
~ na gaoithe, the wailing of the wind.
~ na tuile, na gaoithe, na stoirme, the rising of the flood, of the wind, of the storm.
Tá sé ag éirí chun gaoithe, there is a wind blowing up.
2. ~ gaoithe, rush of wind, strong breeze.
Ag ~ ar lorg gaoithe, whistling for a wind; passing the time in idleness.
~ gaoithe, air-duct.
~ gaoithe, bitingly cold wind.
~ gaoithe, gust of wind.
~ na gaoithe, the fury of the wind.
~ cainte, gutha, gaoithe, toinne, sound of speech, of voice, of wind, of wave.
~ na gaoithe, the violent force of the wind.
1. ~ gaoithe, tuile, force of wind, of flood.
Tháinig ~ gaoithe orthu, they were carried away by the wind.
~ gutha, gaoithe, toinne, ceoil, the sound of a voice, of a wind, of a wave, of music.
~ (gaoithe), continuous sound of wind.
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