ladar1, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~).1. Ladle. (a)~anraith, soup ladle. ~ bealaithe, basting spoon. ~ cáise, cheese-scoop. (b) Small serving. ~ leitean, spoonful of porridge. (c) (In phrases) Do ~ a chur i rud, to intervene in sth. Do ~ a chur i meadar gan suaitheadh, to stir up animosity; to interfere in what doesn’t concern you. Tá a ~ i ngach mias aige, he must have a hand in everything. Ná bí thusa ag cur do ladair sa scéal, don’t you put in your oar. Luí an ladair agat! Lie about for your meals, you lazy-bones! 2. Surg: Scoop.
ladar2, m. (gs. & npl. -air, gpl. ~).1. Lather. ~ gallúnaí, lather of soap. ~ allais, lather of sweat. 2. Thick coating. Chuir sé ~ ime air, he spread the butter thickly on it. 3. ~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to lay into sth. (Var:~áil f)