uchtach1, m. (gs. & npl. -aigh, gpl. ~).1. (a) Breastplate. (b)Armour:Ecc:Pharm: Pectoral. (c) Chest-protector, plastron. 2. Breast of hill, upward slope, rise. 3 = ultach1.
uchtach2, m. (gs. -aigh).1. Courage; encouragement, hope, spirit. ~ a bheith agat le rud a dhéanamh, to have the courage to do sth. ~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to encourage s.o. Bíodh ~ agat, take courage; take heart, keep up your spirits. Thug an dochtúir ~ maith dó, the doctor gave him good hope. Tá ~ aige as féin, he has faith in himself. D’~ a chailleadh, to lose heart. Ná bain a ~ de, don’t discourage him. 2. ~ (cainte), strength of voice, vigour of speech. Is breá an t-~ atá aige, he has a great pair of lungs. Tá an-~ cainte aige, he is a powerful speaker. (Var:f)
uchtach3, a1. Pectoral.