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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for telescope »
telescope1, s. a Teileascóp m. b Reflecting telescope, teileascóp frithchaiteach. Refracting telescope, teileascóp athraonta.
telescope2 . 1 v.tr. Cuireann isteach ina chéile; leacaíonn ar a chéile (traein, etc.). 2 v.i. a (Of train, etc.) Leacaítear ar a chéile. b Parts made to telescope, páirteanna a chonlaíonn isteach ina chéile.
To bring a telescope to bear on sth., teileascóp a dhíriú ar rud.
Range of a telescope, raon teileascóip.
He swept the horizon with a telescope, thug sé súil thart ar bhun na spéire trí theileascóp.
To look through a telescope, féachaint trí theileascóp.
To turn a telescope on a star, teileascóp a dhíriú ar réalta.
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