beir, v.t. & i. (p. rug, fut. béarfaidh, vn. breith, pp. ~the). 1. Bear, give birth to. (a) (Of animals) Lao, uan, searrach, a bhreith, to give birth to a calf, a lamb, a foal. Rug an bhó, the cow calved. (b) (Of persons, usually autonomously with do) Rugadh leanbh, duine clainne, di, she bore a child. Rug sí mac óg; rugadh mac óg di, she had a baby boy. An lá a rugadh é, the day he was born. Chomh soineanta leis an leanbh a rugadh aréir, as innocent as a new-born babe. Níl aon fhear ~the a dhéanfadh é, no man born, alive, could do it. Nach cuma ~the cé a rinne é? It doesn’t matter in the least who did it. S.a. beo2 1. (c)Rugadh an rath, an saibhreas, leis, he was born lucky, born to fortune. 2. (Of birds) Lay. Ubh a bhreith, to lay an egg. Tá na cearca ag breith, the hens are laying. 3. Bear away, win. Bua a bhreith, to win a victory. Rug sé a mbua, he defeated them, got the better of them. Rug sé barr orthu, uathu, he surpassed them. Rug sí barr áille orthu, she excelled them in beauty. Rug sé an chraobh leis, he won (the match, etc.). Rug siad an lá uainn, they defeated us. Rug sé na cosa, na sála, leis, he took to his heels; he got away. Tá sé ag breith leis sa Laidin, he is doing well at Latin. Tá an seanduine ag breith (na haimsire) leis go maith, the old man is wearing (his years) well. Bheith ~the le rud, to gain by sth. Beifear ~the nó caillte leis, win or lose it shall be attempted. Ní raibh ann ach breith nó fág, it was neck or nothing. 4. Bring, take. Rud a bhreith chuig duine, ó dhuine, to bring sth. to s.o., take sth. away from s.o. ~ buíochas uaim, please accept my thanks. ~ uaim thú, take yourself off; I don’t want you around. ~leat é, bring, take, it with you. Ná ~ leat go bhfuil fearg orm, don’t go off with the idea that I am angry. ~ as é, take it away. ~ as tú! Go away! You don’t mean it! Rug siad as an oíche mar sin, in that way they passed the night. ~ mo bheannacht chucu, give them my regards. ~ a thuairisc chugainn, bring us tidings of him. ~ do bhreith air, bring in your verdict, pass your judgment, on it. Lit:Céim a bhreith (thar, i gcoinne), to take a step (over, towards). S.a. rogha 1. 5. (With ar) Catch; overtake. Breith ar rud, to catch, take hold of, sth. Rug sé ar lámh, greim láimhe, orm, he caught, gripped, me by the hand. Rug na gardaí air, the guards caught him. ~ idir do lámha air, take it in your hands, arms. ~ isteach air, get to close grips with him. Fan go mbeire sé ar a ghreamanna, wait until he gets his grips, until he gets going properly. Breith gearr, gairid, ar dhuine, to take s.o. at short notice, abruptly. Breith amuigh ar dhuine, to catch s.o. out, unprepared. Breith gan fhios ar dhuine, to take s.o. by surprise. Breith maol, san fhoghail, ar dhuine, to catch s.o. red-handed. ~ ort féin, remember yourself. ~ ar do chiall, ar do stuaim, have sense, patience. Breith beo ar dhuine, to catch, reach, s.o. alive. ~ beo ort féin, look alive. Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís, may we live to see this time next year. ~ bog ort féin, take it easy. Breith ar fhocal, to catch, grasp the meaning of, a word. Breith ar bhus, to catch a bus. Breith ar dhuine i rás, to overtake s.o. in a race. Rug an oíche orainn, the night came on us. Béarfaidh tú air (ar an obair, etc.), it (the work, etc.) is time enough. Béarfaidh an saol ort, take life easy. Gach lá dá mbeireann orainn, every day we live. Má bheireann an lá, an sagart, air, if he lives till daylight, until the priest comes. Rug an baisteadh air, he lived to be baptized. Dá mbéarfadh ort, if you should be in a fix. Béarfaidh an madra ort, the dog will bite you. Níl pingin ag breith ar an bpingin eile aige, he spends every penny as fast as he earns it. 6. (a) Proceed, advance. Ag breith as, making off. Ag breith (amach) ar an domhain, bearing out to sea. Tá siad ag breith uainn, they are drawing away from us. ~ leat abhaile, get off home. Tá sé ag breith suas ar a naoi (a chlog), it is getting on for nine (o’clock). (b) (With chun) Tá an tuile ag breith chuici, the flood is receding. Tá sé ag breith chuige féin, he is getting cautious, drawing in his horns.
Beir air ~ ná bris é, catch it but don’t break it.
A rugadh in ~, who was born of adultery.
Bhéarfadh ~ sneachta ann é, he needs no persuasion to go there.
Ag breith ~ ar an ngaoth, going faster than the wind.
~ le breith chúirte, a rider to a verdict in court.
Beir leat é ~ ná bris é, take it with you but don’t break it.
Dá mbeadh breith, greim, ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
Dá mbeadh breith ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
Rugadh ~ air, he was caught on the wrong foot.
Breith ~, premature birth.
Rug sé an ~, he won the match, the day.
Chuaigh, rug, an ~ air, he lived to be baptized.
Bhí an bhó ar ~ breith, the cow was about to calve.
Fuair sé breith a bhéil féin, he got what he asked for.
Bó ar bhéala breith, i m~ beirthe, cow about to calve.
Níl a fhios agam ~ ná baiste, beirthe ná ~, I haven’t a notion.
Rug sí ina ~ air, she caught it in her lap.
Beir ~ ort féin, go easy; calm yourself.
Ag breith ~e ar a chéile, bragging at each other.
~ Chríost, the birth of Christ; the Nativity.
Bád, capall, a chur thar a ~, to overload a boat, overburden a horse.
Ní raibh ann ach ~ nó fág, it was neck or nothing.
Dá mbeadh ~ ar mo ghreamanna agam, if I could get my grips, get going properly; if I had the means (to do sth.).
Níl ~ agam ar mo chuid oibre, I am unable to catch up with my work.
Má bhíonn ~ agat air, if you find time for it.
Nuair atá ~ ar d’aithreachas agat, while there is still time for you to repent.
~ a thabhairt ar chás, to decide a case.
Tabhair, beir, do bhreith air, say what you think of it.
Is réidh agaibh ~ a thabhairt orm, it is easy for you to judge me.
Tabhair ~ a bhéil féin dó, give him what he asks for; let him decide his own terms.
Fuair sé ~ a chionta, he got his deserts.
Dá mbeadh ~ agus dhá rogha agam, if I could pick and choose.
~ aithrí, (sacramental) penance.
~ bháis, sentence of death.
3. ~ a imirt, to play forfeits.
Rug sin ~ ar a bhfaca mé riamh, I have never seen the like of that.
Beir ~ agus beannacht, I send you my best wishes.
Is iomaí ~ a rugadh leis, he is naturally gifted in many ways.
Ag breith buíochais, returning thanks.
Ag breith ~ ar a chéile, outsmarting one another.
Rug sé ~ ar mo chuid cainte, he made unfair use of, was unduly critical of, what I said.
Rug sé greim ~ orm, he seized me by the collar.
Rug siad an chaid leo, they won the (football) game.
Beir ar cheann ort féin! Be sensible!
Rug sí ar chéas a cinn uirthi, she caught her by the hair of the head.
Tá sé ~ ón lá a rugadh é, he has been peevish since the day he was born.
Rug ~ orm, I got into difficulties.
Rugadh faoi chinniúint é, he was born to be unlucky.
Breith go ~ ar rud, to grip sth. awkwardly.
Rugadh air idir chorp chleite is sciathán, he was seized bodily.