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cairt1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. Chart. ~ aimsire, ghaoithe, weather-, wind-, chart. ~ loingseoireachta, loingseora, navigator’s chart, sea map. 2. Charter. ~ baile, cathrach, comhlachta, town, city, company, charter. Is gairid ár g~ ar an saol seo, our lease of life is short. 3. Parchment, deed. ~eacha riaracháin, letters of administration. S.a. praitic.
cairt2, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). 1. Cart. Fear ~e, (i) carter, (ii) hawker. Tá sé éirithe amach ón g~, he has gone off his rocker. 2. Motor-car. (Var: gs. ~each)
cairt3, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eacha). Device for making fishing lines.
cairt4. 1. f = coirt1. 2 = coirtigh1.
~ cairte, chassis of cart.
Cairt chompáis, compass card.
~ caorach, coiníní, cairte, sheep-, rabbit-, cart-, track.
~ cairte, charter-land.
Tá ~ cairte ann, there is a cart-load in it.
cairte, cart-load.
Cairt, treo-uillinn, a phointeáil, to prick a chart, a bearing.
2. ~ (cairte), board of cart-box, box (of cart).
Cairt phraitice, pratique.
2. ~ (chairte), rave, rail.
~ cairte, cart-track.
~ toirní, rothaí cairte, the rumbling of thunder, of cart-wheels.
~ cairte, tail of cart.
~ cairte, heel of cart-shaft.
~ cairte, cartwright.
~ cairte, cart-grease.
~í a chur faoi chairt, to spring a cart.
Cairt, carráiste, carr sleamhnáin, a tharraingt, to draw a cart, a carriage, a sledge.
~ cairte, rumble of cart.
~ cairte, trucaile, cart-, truck-, load.
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