grinn1, s. (In phrase) ~ a chur i rud, to look closely at, to take particular notice of, sth.
grinn2, a1. Perceptive, discerning; clear, accurate. Súil ghrinn, keen eye. Amharc ~, penetrating look. Rud a fhéachaint go ~, to examine sth. closely. Duine ~, shrewd, perceptive, person. Tá intinn ghrinn aige, he has a discerning mind. Caint ghrinn, penetrating speech. Is é ba ghrinne a labhair, he was the most discerning speaker. An fear is ~e i dtuiscint, the man with the keenest understanding. Sásamh ~, keen satisfaction. Eolas ~, clear, accurate, information. Cuimhne ghrinn, clear memory. Cuntas ~, clear, intelligent, account. Tá sé liom go ~, I know it exactly. ~ géar-roscach, sharp-eyed and observant.
grinn3 = grinnigh.
grinn4 : greann1,2.
Tá ~ grinn aige, he can take a joke.
Ná ~ cléireach go grinn, do not rebuke a cleric sharply.
Thar, amach ó, chuid ghrinn de, except in so far as it may be regarded as a joke.
Dhearc sé (go grinn) mé, he eyed me (keenly).
Is mór an ~ grinn, spóirt, é, he is a great humorist, sportsman.
~ grinn, humorous remark.
~ grinn, keen and incisive.
~ grinn, bit, spell, of fun.
Níl siad ach ag déanamh grinn, they are only joking.
Ar son grinn a bhí mé, I said it for a joke.
Focal grinn, humorous remark, joke.
Scéal grinn, funny story.
Lucht grinn, humorists, jesters.
Lá grinn agus oireachtais, a day of fun and sport.
~ beag grinn, little bit of fun.
Ar ~ grinn a bhí mé, I was only joking.
~ ghéar, ghrinn, sharp, keen, eye.