aiste1, f. (gs. ~, pl. -tí). 1. Peculiar quality, peculiarity. Tá aistí dá chuid féin aige, he has his own peculiar ways. 2. Way, manner. Ar an ~ sin, like that. Ar an ~ chéanna, in like manner. 3. State, condition. 4. Pattern, scheme. ~ ríme, rhyming scheme. Ar ~ bia, on a regular diet. Aistí agus ealaíona nua, new arts and crafts. 5. Composition; literary essay. ~ filíochta, poetical composition, poem. ~ cheoil, piece of music; bit of a song. ~ scoile, school composition. (Var: m)
aiste2, s. (In phrase) Tá ~ ar an iasc, the fish are rising, taking the bait.
aiste3 = haiste.
Dhaingnigh siad (síos) na haistí, they battened down the hatches.
Bheith ar ~, to be in a bad way.
Rud a chur ar ~; ~ a thabhairt do rud, to ill-use sth.
Droch-aistí a bheith agat, to have bad habits.
~ a dhruidim, a dhaingniú, to batten down, secure, a hatch.
Aiste, alt, leabhar, a ~ (ar rud), to write an essay, an article, a book (about sth.).
Haistí a ~adh, to batten down hatches.
Na haistí a theannadh, to batten down the hatches.