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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: abhras · amhas · amhnas · amhra · aimhreas
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
amhras, m. (gs. -ais). 1. Doubt. ~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to be in doubt about sth. ~ a chur i rud, to cast doubt on sth. Tá mé in ~, san ~, an bhfuil an ceart agat, I am doubtful whether you are right. Níl ~ orm nach é, ná gurb é, a rinne é, I have no doubt that it was he who did it. Gan ~, undoubtedly. Ná bíodh lá amhrais ort faoi sin, you may rest assured about that. Rud a dhéanamh le fios nó le h~, to do sth. just in case it ought to be done. Peaca an amhrais, scepticism. 2. Suspicion. ~ a tharraingt, a chaitheamh, ar dhuine, todraw, cast, suspicion on s.o. Tá ~ agam, tá mé in ~, air, I have a suspicion about him. (As vn.) Ag ~ orm, suspecting me; watching me with suspicion. 3. (a) Opinion; guess. Dul ar ~, to guess. Tá mé in ~ go n-éireoidh leat, I am of the opinion that you will succeed. (b) Speculation. Ar ~ a chuaigh sé ann, he went there on spec. ~ ar thuilleadh, hope for more.
Bhain amhras dó, he became suspicious.
~ amhrais, a certain amount of doubt.
Chaith siad amhras ar an scéal, they cast doubt on the story.
~ amhrais, éada, touch of suspicion, of jealousy.
~ amhrais, iontais, é, it is a matter for suspicion, for surprise.
Chuir mé amhras ann, I became suspicious of him.
~ amhrais, (form of) poaching.
~ amhrais, continuing suspicion.
Is fearr ~ ná amhras, better be sure than sorry.
Amhras, spéis, sonrú, a chur i rud, to doubt, to take interest in, to notice, sth.
~ amhrais, torment of doubt.
Níl amhras dá ~ faoi, there is not the least doubt about it.
Amhras a mhaolú, to lull suspicion.
~ an amhrais, the benefit of the doubt.
~ spear a dhéanamh ar amhras, ar bhrón, to dispel doubt, sorrow.
Amhras, deacracht, a thógáil, to raise a doubt, a difficulty.
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