comhaireamh, m. (gs. as s. -rimh, as vn. -rthe). 1. vn. of comhair2. 2. Count; calculation, reckoning. (a) ~figiúirí, the counting of figures. Rud a chur sa chomhaireamh, to include sth. in the reckoning. Níl sé sa chomhaireamh, it is not included, accounted for. Bhí mé sa chomhaireamh ceann, I was one of the number. Tá an ~ ann, the right number is there. Tá siad ag dul ó chomhaireamh orm, I am losing count of them. Ba mhór an ~ daoine é, it was a great concourse of people. (b) I g~ an lae a rugadh é, on the anniversary of his birth, on his birthday. Bliain i g~ na hoíche aréir, a year ago last night. S.a. féith1 2 (b), fráma.
Ba chéim a gcomhaireamh, it would be tedious to count them.
Rud a chomhaireamh, to count up sth.
An costas a chomhaireamh, to count the cost.
Gníomhartha a chomhaireamh, to count, recount, deeds.
Gan Brian a chomhaireamh, apart from Brian.
Is doiligh comhaireamh a choinneáil le ~, it is hard to keep count in single play.
Na fáltais a chomhaireamh, to count the takings.
Ní raibh ~ ná comhaireamh aige, there was no sign of life in him; he was dead drunk.
~ comhairimh, counting-frame, abacus.
Chuaigh sé ar ~ sa chomhaireamh, he went wrong in the count.
Bhí mé pingin ~ sa chomhaireamh, I was a penny short in the count.
Do thalamh a chomhaireamh, to work out one’s position.
Nuair a chuaigh comhaireamh ar na huain, when the lambs were counted.