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Cuardaigh focal Gaeilge nó Béarla.
Focail chosúla: gluair · guais · gais · glacis · glaise
Tosach A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
gluais1, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~eanna). 1. Gloss, commentary. 2. Glossary, vocabulary.
gluais2, v.t. & i. (vn. ~eacht). Move. 1. Set in motion, stir. Rud a ghluaiseacht, to set sth. in motion. Ghluais an ghaoth i dtír iad, the wind carried them to land. Ghluais sé m’aigne, it stirred my mind. An rud a ghluais a n-intinn chun Dé, what turned their minds to God. 2. Go, proceed. Ag ~eacht go mall, ar rothaí, ó áit go háit, moving slowly, on wheels, from place to place. Ghluais sé anall chugainn, he moved over towards us. Ghluais sé leis ar feadh an lae, he travelled on all day. ~ ort, proceed. ~ uait liomsa, come on along with me.
gluaiseacht, f. (gs. ~a, pl. ~aí). 1. vn. of gluais2. 2. Movement. (a) Motion. ~ na bpláinéad, na mara, tráchta, the movement of the planets, of the sea, of traffic. Rud a chur ar a ghluaiseacht, to set sth. in motion. (b) Impulse. ~ lasánta, fiery impulse. Le ~ an Spioraid Naoimh, inspired by the Holy Spirit. (c) Rhythm. ~ chainte, rhythm of speech. (d) Organized movement. ~ na saoirse, na teanga, an lucht oibre, the freedom, language, labour, movement. (e) Mus: Movement. (Var: gluais3 f)
Oibriú, gluaiseacht, ~, violent impulse.
~ ghluaiste, locomotor ataxy.
~ adhainte, astatach, coiscis, gluaiste, réimse, turrainge, ignition, astatic, impedance, moving, field, shocking-, coil.
~ ardaithe, ghluaiste, lifting, motive, power.
Daoine, gluaiseacht, a eagrú, to organize people, a movement.
~ daite, gluaiste, slinne, coloured, propelling, slate, pencil.
Gluaiseacht airm, bataire, a ~t, to screen troop movements, a battery.
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