sampla, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~í). 1. Example. (a) ~ ar, de, rud, an example of sth. ~ súl, practical example. Tá ~ agam air, I have an instance of it. Tá sé ina shampla ar an rud a dúirt tú, it exemplifies what you have said. Níl ~ is fearr air ná sin, nothing typifies it better than that. Mar shampla, for example. (b) (Sometimes iron.) Is breá an ~ a thug sé do na páistí, he set a fine example for the children. Is deas an ~ agat é, it is a nice example for you to follow. 2. Sample. ~ éadaigh, a sample of cloth. ~ de mo chuid oibre, a sample of my work. ~ de leabhar, specimen copy of book. 3. Sign, portent. ~í agus míorúiltí, signs and miracles. ~í agus iontais, signs and wonders. 4. Wretched, afflicted, person. An ~ bocht, the poor wretch. ~ bocht linbh, poor miserable child. Ná déanaigí ~ saolta de, don’t make a living example (of wretchedness) of him. S.a. ball 4.
4. ~ sampla, ~ ar shliocht, fool of a family, of a community.
~ a thabhairt, to give good example.
~ agus sampla, illustration and example.
De gheall ar an dea-shampla, in order to show good example.
Léirigh le sampla é, illustrate it by example.
Rud a léiriú le sampla, to illustrate sth. by example.
Dea-shampla a thabhairt, to give good example.
Rud a thaispeáint le samplaí, to illustrate sth. by examples.