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bean1, f. (gs. & npl. mná, gpl. ban). 1. Woman. ~ shingil, phósta, spinster, married woman. ~ tíre, tuaithe, countrywoman. ~ fuála, níocháin, needlewoman, washerwoman. ~ chabhrach, ghlúine, midwife. ~ chéile, wife. ~ choimhdeachta, lady’s maid; chaperon. ~ feasa, wise woman, fortune-teller. ~ ghaoil, female relative. ~ lóistín, landlady. ~ luí, concubine. ~ rialta, nun. ~ sí, banshee. S.a. lus. ~ siúil, travelling woman. ~ snáthaide, needlewoman. ~ sráide, street woman. ~ tí, housewife; housekeeper. ~ mhaith tí, good housekeeper. Níl ~ an tí sa bhaile, the lady of the house, the mistress, is not at home. ~ uasal, lady. A bhean uasal, madam. A bhean chóir, chléibh, my dear woman. Tá sí ina ~, she has grown to womanhood. Taobh na mban, the female line, distaff side. ~ Éireannach, Éireannach mná, Irishwoman. Dochtúir mná, woman doctor. Dochtúir ban, gynaecologist. Leanbh mná, female child. Uaireadóir mná, lady’s watch. Éadaí ban, ladies’ clothes. S.a. domhnach 1, seol3 2. 2. Wife. Mo bhean, my wife. A chéad bhean, his first wife. ~ mic, daughter-in-law. ~ Sheáin, Seán’s wife. ~ Sheáin Uí Néill, Mrs. Seán O’Neill. ~ Uí Néill, Mrs. O’Neill. Máire ~ Uí Néill, Mrs. Mary O’Neill. S.a. céile 1. 3. (Of women, girls) One. ~ de na mná, de na cailíní, one of the women, of the girls. ~ de Dhálach, an O’Donnell woman. 4. Toil: Mná, Ladies.
bean2 = bain1.
Bhí ~ ban ina measc, there were a number of women among them.
Bean abhrais, spinner.
Bean nach n-admhódh a fear féin, a woman who would not acknowledge her own husband.
An bhean is breátha a chuir a haghaidh le h~, the most beautiful woman ever born.
Tá mná ~ mná ann, there are women and (other kinds of) women.
~ mná, a useless pretty woman.
Bean ~, barren woman.
~ mná, virago.
Fir agus mná agus ní áirím páistí, men and women, not to speak of children.
Bean a bhfuil ~ aici, a woman who has a dowry.
~ mná, actress.
~ (mná), big strong woman.
An bhean bheag, the little woman.
An bhean sin, that woman.
An bhean is ~ leis, the woman he loves best.
In ~ fir, mná, of (full) age.
Cuid an ~ bean déag, na h~ mná déag, the eleventh woman’s share.
Ar mhná áille na hÉireann, one of the most beautiful women in Ireland.
1. ~ (mná), widow.
2. ~ fir, mná, big, strong, man, woman.
Is é a ~, is é ~ na mná uaisle, she is welcome, the lady is welcome.
~ fhear, bhan, pháistí, two men, women, children.
Bean mhaith a bhí inti, she was a good woman.
Beidh bean an tí ag súil leat, the woman of the house will be expecting you.
3. ~ mná, gaudily-dressed woman.
Bean bhorb a cheansú, to tame a headstrong woman.
~ na mban, the foremost of women.
Bean bhreá, fine, beautiful, woman.
Bean chomh maith is a bhris arán riamh, as hospitable a woman as ever lived.
~ (fir, mná), tall slender boy, girl.
Bean dar bhuíoch Dia, a woman favoured by God.
~ fir, mná, lump of a man, of a woman.
~ mná, bold, headstrong, woman.
~ fir, mná, big robust man, woman.
~ mná, scold.
~ mná, cantankerous woman.
~ fear, bean, bliain, orlach, fifty men, women, years, inches.
Bean chaointe, keening woman (at wake, funeral).
Níl bean, fear, a chaointe le fáil, there is no one left to mourn for him.
Is í ba chaoimhe de mhná, she was the gentlest of women.
Bean ~, woman carder.
~ fir, mná, man’s, woman’s, jacket.
Cé hí an bhean eile? Who is the other woman?
Cérbh í an bhean óg? Who was the young woman?
Níl a fhios agam cé acu fear nó bean atá ann, I don’t know whether it is a man or a woman.
~ fear, bean, punt, bliain, one hundred men, women, pounds, years.
An chéad fhear, bhean, duine, uimhir, the first man, woman, person, number.
Ainm an chéad fhir, na chéad mhná, the name of the first man, woman.
Cuid na ~ mná, an chéadú bean, the hundredth woman’s share.
~ maith mná, páistí, good husband, father.
~a pise, pónaire, pea, bean, pods.
Pónaire ~, locust-bean.
~ dhuánach, fhada, kidney bean.
~ fhrancach, french, haricot, bean.
~ leathan, broad bean.
~ mhór, butter bean.
~ reatha, (scarlet) runner-bean.
~ chorraigh, buck-bean, bog-bean.
~ shoighe, soya bean.
Pónairí a rúscadh, to shell beans.
Pónairí a ~adh, to shell beans.
Pónairí a ~eadh, to string beans.
~ arbhair, pónairí, shelling of corn, stringing of beans.
4. ~ bó leid, sea-bean, tropical drift seed.
Bairnigh, pónaire, a ~adh, to shell barnacles, beans.
~ faighneoige, string of (bean-)pod.
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