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Similar words: cap · cead · ceal · ceam · cean
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ceap1, m. (gs. cip, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Stock; block, base; pad. (a)~ crainn, tree-stock. ~ adhmaid, connaidh, block of wood, of fire-wood. Tine chip, log fire. ~ búistéara, chopping-block. ~ cloiche, block of stone; stone post. ~ colúin, base of column. ~ dearnála, darning egg. ~ díslí, diestock. ~ gunna, plána, stock of gun, of plane. Nau:Carp:~ treo, step. ~ tuirne, base of spinning-wheel. ~ na bhfiacla, jaw. Tá an fear sin ina cheap céille, that man is a rock of sense. Chuirfinn mo cheann ar ~ (go), I’d bet my life (that). S.a. glas11. (b) (Of penal stocks) Duine a chur i gceapa, to put s.o. in the stocks. (c)~ sinsear, ancestral stock. (d)~ magaidh, laughing-stock. ~ magaidh a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a laughing-stock of s.o. Bhí sé ina cheap magaidh acu, they were making him a butt for ridicule. 2. Bootm: Last. ~ gréasaí, shoemaker’s last. Ar ~, on the stocks. Tá mo bhróga ó cheap is ó choisíocht, my shoes are worn beyond repair. Bailigh leat do chip is do mheanaí, remove yourself and all your belongings. 3. Nave, hub. ~ rotha, nave of wheel. ~ na tíre, the hub of the country. 4. Compact body. ~ airm, body of troops in close formation. ~ tithe, block of houses. ~ oifigí, office block. 5. (Of person) Chief, protector. 6. Hort: Bed, plot. ~ plandaí, cabáiste, plant-, cabbage-, bed.
ceap2, v.t. & i. (pp. ~tha).1. Chip, block out. 2. Fashion; shape, invent. Ball a cheapadh, to fashion an article. Móin a cheapadh, to mould turf (in sods). Focal a cheapadh, to coin a word. Dán, ceol, a cheapadh, to compose a poem, music. Scéim a cheapadh, to devise a scheme. Cealg a cheapadh, to brew treachery. Scéal, bréag, a cheapadh, to invent a story, a falsehood. An fear a cheap é, the man who invented it. Lena aghaidh a ~adh é, it was designed for that purpose. 3. Appoint, assign. Duine a cheapadh do rud, to appoint s.o. to sth. ~adh sa phost, ina rúnaí, é, he was appointed to the post, as secretary. An lá a ~adh, (on) the appointed day. Ar an uair a bhí ~tha, at the appointed hour. Cheap sé aimsir chuige, he fixed a time for it. An rud a cheap Dia dó, what God ordained for him. Is é an bás a ~adh dúinn, it is assigned to us to die. 4. (a) Conceive, think. ~ann sé gur fear léinn é, he conceives himself to be a learned man. ~aim go bhfuil an ceart agat, I think you are right. Sin é a cheapaim, atá mé a cheapadh, that is what I think. Tá siad níos fearr ná a cheapfá díobh, they are better than you might imagine. (b) Mean, intend. Ní cheapfá a rá gur mise a rinne é? You don’t mean to say that I did it? Sin é a bhí ~tha acu a dhéanamh, that is what they intended to do. 5. Block path of; stop, catch. Buille a cheapadh, to ward off a blow. Ainmhí a cheapadh, to head off an animal. Liathróid a cheapadh, to field a ball. Cheap sé é féin, he checked, restrained, himself. Cheap an balla, an abhainn, sinn, the wall, the river, barred our way. ~adh sa tom, sa ghaiste, é, it got caught in the bush, in the trap.
Ar cheap cloiche, on a stone base.
Tá an duine bocht ina cheap magaidh acu, they are making a laughing-stock of the poor fellow.
Ar cheapadh cluaise, shaped like an ear.
~ múinteora, the appointment of a teacher.
~ i bpost, designation to a post.
~ lae, the appointment of a day.
Rud a chur siar gan ~ lae, to postpone sth. indefinitely, sine die.
Tá ~ go, it is thought that.
Is é mo cheapadh fós é, I still think it.
Ní raibh aon cheapadh aige go mbeinn anseo, it never occurred to him that I might be here.
~ inneonach, ~ an chip, horn of anvil.
Snáthaid, ceap, dearnála, darning-needle, -egg.
Sin é (go) ~ a cheap mé, that’s just what I thought.
Ceapadh sa ~ é, he was caught in the snare.
Ceap, cuaille, sciath, ~a, block, pole, shield, of alder.
Bheith ceaptha, gafa, i n~, to be caught in a trap.
1. ~ cip, wooden bolt (on inside of door).
Cuir na rudaí sin faoi ghlas (cip), lock up those things (securely).
Ceap, soc, inneonach, base, horn, of anvil.
~ cip, wooden latch.
Ceap, iarann, ~, plane-stock, -iron.
Ceap ~, stumbling-block.
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