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Similar words: lagan · leacan · leaga · eagal · eagán
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leagan could be a grammatical form of: leag »
leagan, m. (gs. as s. -ain, as vn. -gtha; pl. ~acha). 1. vn. of leag1. 2. (a) Act of knocking down; felling, demolition. ~ ballaí, tithe, demolition of walls, of houses. ~ crann, tree-felling. ~ arbhair, cutting down of corn (by reaper, etc.); flattening of corn (by storm). (b) Fall, tumble. ~ a bhaint as duine, to cause s.o. to fall; to humble s.o. Baineadh ~ asam sa doras, I (stumbled and) fell in the doorway. (c) Throw (in wrestling). ~ a fhéachaint le duine, to try a fall with s.o. Babhta leagain, bout of wrestling. ~ madra, dog-fall. Fig:Déanfaidh mé é nó caillfidh mé ~ leis, I will try it even if it costs me a fall. 3. Act of lowering. (a)~seolta, bratach, lowering of sails, of flags. (b)~cánacha, praghsanna, lowering of taxes, of prices. 4. (a) Act of laying, of setting. ~ cáblaí, píopaí, laying of cables, of pipes. ~ urláir, the laying of a floor. ~ póir, setting of seed. ~ uibheacha, setting of eggs. ~ boird, laying of table. ~ cárta, the playing of a card. Ní raibh ~ an mháimh agam, I hadn’t a trump to put on the table. (b) Imputation. ~ ruda ar dhuine, the imputing of sth. to s.o. 5. (a) Leaning, partiality. ~ a bheith agat le rud, to have a leaning towards sth. (b) Inclination. Tá ~ ó dheas leis an talamh anseo, the land here slopes southwards. 6. Knitting:~ (lúb), casting of (stitches). 7. (a) Setting, arrangement. Is deas an ~ seod atá ann, it is nicely set with jewels. ~ a déad, the set of her teeth. Mar ~ an drúchta ar chiumhais an róis, like dew-drops set on the edge of the rose. (b) Bearing, appearance. Tá ~ breá air, he has a fine bearing. ~ uasal, noble bearing. ~ siúil, gait of walking. Bain díot an ~ amadáin sin atá ort, take off that silly expression of yours. (c) Look, glance. ~ súl a thabhairt ar rud, to glance at sth. Ar ~ na súl, at a glance, in a twinkling. (d) Form, version. ~ cainte, turn of speech. ~ de théacs, version of text. Chuir sé a ~ féin air, he told it in his own way, to suit himself. Bíonn dhá ~ ar scéal, there are two sides to every story. 8. ~ amach, lay-out, arrangement. ~ amach cathrach, oifige, leabhair, the lay-out of a city, of an office, of a book.
~ a leagan ar dhuine, to beat, chastise, s.o.
~ a chur, a leagan, ar rud, to stress sth.
~ a leagan, a ghlanadh, to lay, clear, a table.
~ a ísliú, a leagan, to lower a flag.
Ag leagan ~, breaking down embankments;
An bhunchloch a leagan, to lay the foundation-stone.
~ a leagan, to lay a cable.
~ a ghearradh, a leagan, ar rud, to lay a tax on sth.
Leagan, teilgean, ~e, mode of expression.
An chloch bhoinn a chur, a leagan, to lay the foundation stone.
~ a leagan ar, to set foot on.
a leagan, a choinneáil, a rianú, to set, hold, chart, a course.
~ a leagan, to set a clutch of eggs for hatching.
D’~ a leagan ar rud, to bring one’s mind to bear on sth.
An té atá ~ is furasta é a leagan, the weakest goes to the wall.
Rud a leagan ar ~, to level sth. to the ground.
Duine a ~an (le buille, le cor coise), to knock s.o. down (with a blow, with a foot-trip).
Crann a ~an, to fell a tree.
Teach a ~an, to knock down a house.
Éan a ~an le hurchar, to bring down a bird with a shot.
Arbhar a ~an le speal, to cut down corn with a scythe.
Ag ~an talún, bord, iomairí, levelling ridges (in potato field).
Rud a ~an den bhord, to knock sth. off the table.
Tamall ag ~an, bout of throwing, of wrestling.
Seol a ~an, to lower a sail.
Cíos, luachanna, a ~an, to lower rent, prices.
Cloch bhoinn a ~an, to lay a foundation stone.
Brící, cáblaí, a ~an, to lay bricks, cables.
Bóthar iarainn, long, a ~an, to lay down a railroad, a ship.
Prátaí póir a ~an, to set seed-potatoes.
Uibheacha (éillín) a ~an, to set a clutch of eggs (for hatching).
Bord a ~an, to lay a table.
Lúb a ~an, to cast off a stitch.
Ag ~an, casting off (stitches).
Tá an long ag ~an ó thuaidh, the ship is falling away towards the north.
Bhí an taoide ár ~an, we were drifting with the tide.
Rudaí a ~an amach, to arrange things.
Bhí garraí le ~an amach agam, I had to lay out a garden.
Leabhar, páipéar nuachta, a ~an amach, to get up a book, a newspaper.
Scéim a ~an amach, to lay out a scheme.
Obair, dualgas, a ~an amach do dhuine, to allot work, a duty, to s.o.
Damáistí a ~an amach, to prescribe damages.
Tú féin a ~an amach ar rud, to apply oneself diligently to sth.
Curach a leagan anuas, to carry a currach down to the sea.
Rud a ~an ar an talamh, to lay sth. on the ground.
D’intinn a ~an ar rud, to set one’s mind on sth., to concentrate on sth.
Cáin a ~an ar rud, to lay a tax on sth.
Coir a ~an ar dhuine, to impute an offence to s.o.
Bád a ~an ar bhéal cuain, ar oileán, to steer a boat towards a harbour mouth, towards an island.
Mias a leagan chuig duine, to serve s.o. with a dish.
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