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luigh ar, v.t. & i. 1. Lie on. ~ an ceo ar na cnoic, the mist lay on the hills. Ní luífeadh an chearc ar na huibheacha, the hen would not hatch the eggs. 2. Descend on. ~ an oíche, an dorchadas, orainn, the night, the dark, descended on us. 3. Lean on. Luí ar rámh, ar spád, to lean, exert pressure, on an oar, on a spade. ~ sé ar a bhata, he leaned heavily on his stick. 4. Dwell on. Níor ~ m’intinn air, my mind did not dwell on it; it escaped my attention. An bhean is breátha dár ~ súil uirthi, the finest woman that eye ever rested on. 5. Weigh on, oppress. ~ an bia ar mo ghoile, the food lay heavy on my stomach. Ná lig dó luí ar do choinsias, don’t let it weigh on your conscience. ~ an teas orm, the heat oppressed me. Tá an aois ag luí air, he is weighed down with age. Ag luí ar na boicht, oppressing the poor. Tá a chúram ag luí go trom air, his responsibilities weigh heavily on him. Ná ~ ort féin, don’t strain yourself. S.a. bróg. 6. Press in, encroach, on. ~ an namhaid orainn, the enemy pressed in on us. 7. Do shúil a luí ar rud, to lay eyes on sth. ~ sé a shúil orm, he winked at me. ~ sé brod ar an each, he spurred the steed.
Tá an ~ ag luí air, he is burdened with age.
Seas, suigh, luigh, ar, stand, sit, lie, on.
Tá sé le ~, ina luí le ~, ar leaba an bháis, he is near death, on his deathbed.
Luigh sé ~ ar an each, he spurred the steed.
Níl a fhios ag aon duine cá luíonn an bhróg ar an duine eile, one never knows what someone else’s troubles may be.
Luí na mbuillí a chur ar dhuine, to lay into, trounce, s.o.
Luí ar ~, to lie on the outside (of bed).
Leag, buail, luigh, ~ air, keep it dark.
Ba cheart duit é a chur ina luí air, you should impress it on him.
Ina luí ar chúl a chinn, lying on his back.
Gan luí a thabhairt faoi dháil ar domhan, not to take an oath before any tribunal whatsoever.
Fág ina luí ar a fhad é, lay it down lengthwise.
Cuirfidh mé luí na bh~ ort, I’ll have your life.
Rud a chur i luí ~ ar dhuine, to persuade s.o. of sth.
Gach uile dhuine ag luí ar an ~, the weak goes to the wall.
Chuir sé ina luí go ~ orm é, he made it quite plain to me.
Luí ar an ~, to lie on the bare ground.
Bhí sé ina ~ ar an tolg, he was lying on the sofa.
Bhí ~ bliana air, he was laid up for a year.
~ gan éirí air, aige! The devil take him!
Tá an choill ina ~ ar lár, the wood has been levelled to the ground.
Bád ar a ~ chuige, a boat lying to.
An áit a bhfuil ~ an bhíoma air, where the beam presses on it.
Bhí ~ na troda orainn, we had to bear the brunt of the fight.
Cuir ~ an bhata air, lay into him with the stick.
Tá ~ na bhfód air, he is under the sod.
Rud a chur ina ~ ar dhuine, to impress sth. on s.o.
Chuir sé ina ~ orm é a dhéanamh, he induced me to do it.
Luí ar leaba, sa ghaineamh, faoi scáth crainn, to lie on a bed, in the sand, under the shade of a tree.
Luí síos, siar, ar do dhroim, to lie down, back, on one’s back.
~ an sneachta sna polláin ar feadh seachtaine, the snow lay in the hollows for a week.
Bhí an bád ag luí ar a taobh, the boat was listing to one side.
Tá an chruach ag luí amach ar an taobh seo, the stack is leaning over on this side.
2. Luí amach ar rud, to set about sth. in earnest; to abandon oneself to sth.
~ siad amach ar an gcomhrá, they began to converse in earnest.
Tá sé luite amach ar a dhéanamh, he is bent on doing it.
~ siad amach ar an domhain, they stood out towards deep water.
ar, le) Luí isteach le duine, to lie in close to s.o.
~ siad isteach ar an obair, they went to work in earnest.
~ isteach ar an mbia, lay into the food.
Níor ~ siad linn ar an gcúis, they didn’t co-operate with us in the case.
Luí ar do ~, to lie on one’s side.
Luí ar do shliasaid, to recline on one’s side.
Tá an soitheach ina luí ar a ~, the vessel is on her beam-ends.
Tá sé ag téarnamh ar am luí, it is drawing near bedtime.
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